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Carl Heneghan is a Reader in Evidence-Based Medicine, Director of the Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine and a General Practitioner. He has had an association with the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (www.cebm.net) since 1995 and is a fellow of Kellogg College. His Research projects involve cardiovascular disease, self-monitoring and self-management in chronic diseases, self-care strategies and determining the evidence base for treatment of infections and investigating the evidence base for publication bias and drug and device regulation.
He is an advisor the World Health Organization (WHO) on self-care in Non-Communicable Diseases. He is a co-applicant on the £3.5million pound NIHR funded centre for Monitoring and Diagnosis in Oxford (MADOX). He works with the Oxford Vascular Study (OXVASC) and the Dept of Bioengineering.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
37 | Professor Carl Heneghan | Georgina Ferry interviews Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence Based Medicine, 4 July 2022. | Carl Heneghan, Georgina Ferry | 04 Jan 2023 | |
36 | Creative Commons | Evidence in Women's Health: Are there higher mortality rates in women who have been operated on by male surgeons? | In 2022 a Canadian population based retrospective cohort study hit the headlines in the U.K. by claiming that women were 32% more likely to die if operated on by a male surgeon. | Carl Heneghan, Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, Anne-Marie Boylan, Sunil Patel | 31 Oct 2022 |
35 | Exploring the fundamentals of leadership with Professor Carl Heneghan - Part Two | Professor Kamal Mahtani continues his interview with Professor Carl Heneghan, discussing where your motivation as a leader comes from, succession planning, seeking mentoring, how leaders can engage with the wider world. | Kamal Mahtani, Carl Heneghan | 25 Nov 2020 | |
34 | Exploring the fundamentals of leadership with Professor Carl Heneghan - Part One | Professor Kamal Mahtani interviews Professor Carl Heneghan, exploring his leadership; how it all started, the challenges he has faced, emotional intelligence, the importance of clear communication and being a tortoise rather than a hare as a leader. | Carl Heneghan, Kamal Mahtani | 04 Nov 2020 | |
33 | Creative Commons | Overdiagnosis and Lung Cancer Screening | Recent results of the NELSON Lung Cancer Screening Trial reports reductions in lung-cancer survival but not overall survival - The desire to detect disease even earlier means Overdiagnosis is on the rise. | Carl Heneghan | 14 Feb 2020 |
32 | Conflicts of Interest in Medicine: Why it’s time for a UK Sunshine Act | Should doctors with commercial interests lead research on their products? Should we forget ‘conflicts’ and discuss ‘declarations of interest’ instead? Who should hold and maintain conflicts of interest registers for doctors? | Carl Heneghan | 21 Jan 2020 | |
31 | Safe and effective drugs: The need to use all the available evidence to inform the effectiveness of commonly used medicines | Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine, employs evidence-based methods to research diagnostic reasoning, test accuracy and communicating diagnostic results to a wider audience. | Carl Heneghan | 21 Oct 2019 | |
30 | Creative Commons | Using evidence to overcome fake news about healthcare | Professor Carl Heneghan has extensive experience of working with the media. In this talk he will discuss some recent case examples, working with the BBC amongst others. | Carl Heneghan | 09 Apr 2019 |
29 | Creative Commons | Why poor diagnostic reasoning is failing patients, the public and health systems | Carl Heneghan asks the question, "What is driving the increase in diagnostic testing in healthcare?" and discusses why expectations, technology and the media are contributing to the problems of too much medicine and overdiagnosis. | Carl Heneghan | 06 Feb 2019 |
28 | Systematic reviews: the past the present and the future | Making decisions and choices about health and social care need access to high-quality evidence from research. Systematic reviews provide this by both highlighting the quality of existing studies and by themselves providing a high-quality summary. | Iain Chalmers, Carl Heneghan, Kamal Mahtani | 28 Jan 2019 | |
27 | Kellogg Urban Knowledge Exchange seminar: Healthy Cities | Thursday 29th November saw the fifth in our Kellogg Urban Knowledge Exchange series of multidisciplinary seminars, Healthy Cities: 'Is designing healthy communities the right response to an overstretched NHS?' | Carl Heneghan, Danny McDonnell, Sian Whyte, Chris Naylor | 08 Jan 2019 | |
26 | Evidence-Based Manifesto for better healthcare | Professor Carl Heneghan gives a talk for the Evidence Based Healthcare series. | Carl Heneghan | 10 Oct 2018 | |
25 | Launch of new website to catalogue biases affecting health and medical research | Professor Carl Heneghan and Dr David Nunan from the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine presented the launch of a new website that catalogues the important biases affecting health and medical research. | Carl Heneghan, David Nunan, Sir Iain Chalmers | 05 Feb 2018 | |
24 | Creative Commons | Critical Appraisal and EBM in the Real World | The overwhelming volume of evidence and its lack of relevance to patient care and decisions means health professionals require skills to sift evidence more efficiently: discarding what doesn't make a difference to focus on evidence that matters for health | Carl Heneghan | 13 Oct 2017 |
23 | Professor John Brodersen | Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, in conversation with Professor John Brodersen, General Practitioner and associate research professor in the area of medical screening at University of Copenhagen. | John Brodersen, Carl Heneghan | 15 May 2017 | |
22 | Dr Lisa Schwartz and Dr Steven Woloshin | Professor Carl Heneghan in conversation with Steven Woloshin, MD, MS, and Lisa M. Schwartz, MD, MS, Professors of Medicine, of Community and Family Medicine, and Co-Directors of Medicine and the Media Programs at The Dartmouth Institute. | Lisa Schwartz, Steven Woloshin, Carl Heneghan | 03 May 2017 | |
21 | Dr Jeffrey Aronson | Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, in conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Aronson, President Emeritus and Honorary Fellow, British Pharmacological Society, and Consultant Physician. | Carl Heneghan, Jeffrey Aronson | 28 Apr 2017 | |
20 | Better evidence for better healthcare manifesto | The integration of evidence with clinical expertise and patient values which underpins the delivery of high quality evidence-based medicine. | Carl Heneghan | 12 Apr 2017 | |
19 | Dr Fiona Godlee | Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, in conversation with Dr Fiona Godlee, Editor-in-Chief of The British Medical Journal (BMJ). | Fiona Godlee, Carl Heneghan | 05 Apr 2017 | |
18 | Creative Commons | Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter | Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, speaks to Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at the University of Cambridge, about the importance of medical statistics. | David Spiegelhalter, Carl Heneghan | 28 Mar 2017 |
17 | Rethinking the epidemic of overdiagnosis | Overdiagnosis is the diagnosis of "disease" that will never cause symptoms or death during a patient's lifetime. Newer, more accurate technologies, and the desire to detect disease even earlier means Overdiagnosis is on the rise. | Carl Heneghan | 27 Jan 2017 | |
16 | Creative Commons | Resuscitating poor quality research | Healthcare research is all too often plagued by biases that are rooted in poor methods, leading to the wrong result and conclusions and preventing uptake into practice. | Carl Heneghan | 17 Jan 2017 |
15 | Hope | What is Hope? This seminar explored what hope is and invited us to consider what hope means to people in different circumstances. | Peter Hinton, Carl Heneghan | 21 Nov 2016 | |
14 | Better evidence for better health care | Professor Carl Heneghan gives a talk for the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care programme. | Carl Heneghan | 31 Oct 2016 | |
13 | Overdiagnosis and Too Much Medicine How did we get here and how do we get out of the mess | Professor Carl Heneghan gives a talk for the MSc in Evidence-Based Health Care programme | Carl Heneghan | 03 May 2016 | |
12 | Creative Commons | 10 Top tips for doing applied healthcare research: How to get started | Carl Heneghan gives a talk held on January 11th 2016 Kellogg College. | Carl Heneghan | 29 Jan 2016 |
11 | What has EBM done for healthcare? | Professor Carl Heneghan gives a talk for the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine podcast series. | Carl Heneghan | 22 Oct 2015 | |
10 | Creative Commons | EBM - What it is, what it isn't, how might you contribute? | Carl Heneghan is a Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine and a Primary Care Physician and has over 20 years experience of using evidence in practice for changing health care. | Carl Heneghan | 01 Dec 2014 |
9 | Deadly Devices and Dangerous Drugs, the Secrets Behind Medical Research | A talk hosted by Kellogg College and the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at the University Museum of Natural History, as part of the University's Alumni Weekend. | Carl Heneghan, Jeff Aronson, Deb Cohen, Ben Goldacre | 03 Oct 2014 | |
8 | Creative Commons | Truth | The presentations invite us to consider what truth means to people in different circumstances, and how definitions of truth can affect decision-making, from literary risks to clinical trials. | Anne Jensen, Rosemary Yallop, Carl Heneghan, Yasmin Khan | 12 Aug 2014 |
7 | Creative Commons | An introduction to Medical Statistics with Carl Heneghan and Rafael Perera | Dr Carl Heneghan talks to Rafael Perera about medical statistics and gives an introduction to the subject. | Carl Heneghan, Rafael Perera | 09 Aug 2013 |
6 | Creative Commons | Dr Carl Heneghan and John Balla discuss the evidence relating to diagnostics | Dr Carl Heneghan and John Balla discuss the evidence relating to diagnostics. | Carl Heneghan, John Balla | 26 Jun 2013 |
5 | Creative Commons | Dr Carl Heneghan and John Balla discuss the evidence relating to diagnostics | Dr Carl Heneghan and John Balla discuss the evidence relating to diagnostics. | Carl Heneghan, John Balla | 26 Jun 2013 |
4 | Creative Commons | A Welcome to the Programme in Evidence-Based Health Care | Dr Carl Heneghan, the Director of the Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine, gives a brief welcome to the Programme in Evidence-Based Health Care. | Carl Heneghan | 07 Feb 2013 |
3 | 'Lack of evidence' that popular sports products work | Consumers could be wasting their money on sports drinks, protein shakes and high-end trainers, according to a new joint investigation by BBC Panorama and the British Medical Journal. | Carl Heneghan | 19 Oct 2012 | |
2 | Creative Commons | Diagnostic Tests | Dr Carl Heneghan delivers a talk for the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. | Carl Heneghan | 24 Feb 2011 |
1 | Creative Commons | Diagnostic Tests | Dr Carl Heneghan delivers a talk for the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. | Carl Heneghan | 24 Feb 2011 |