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Nemir Kirdar Memorial Event

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Nemir Kirdar Memorial Event
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Duration: 1:13:43 | Added: 15 Nov 2022
Memorial event for the late Mr Nemir Amin Kirdar (1936-2020).

The Warden of St Antony’s, the Fellows of the Middle East Centre, Mrs Nada Kirdar, her daughters Rena and Serra, and friends and colleagues from Investcorp gathered in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Bahrain in memory of the late Mr Nemir Amin Kirdar (1936-2020). This Friday 7th October 2023 memorial event took place in the Investcorp Lecture Theatre of the Middle East Centre, St Antony's College. The Investcorp Building is named in recognition of the global investment group, Investcorp's remarkable support for the construction of the building - Mr Nemir Kirdar is the founder of Investcorp.

Professor Roger Goodman, the Warden of St Antony’s, chaired the session with tributes from Mr Mohammed Alardhi, CEO of Investcorp, Professor Margaret MacMillan, former warden of St Antony’s, Professor Eugene Rogan, Director of the Middle East Centre, Mr Yusef Abu Khadra, a personal friend of Nemir Kirdar, Dr Serra Kirdar, Nemir and Nada’s daughter. The final speaker was His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Bahrain.

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