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What the World Needs Now from the Environmental Movement

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Duration: 0:46:55 | Added: 03 Oct 2013
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What the World Needs Now from the Environmental Movement
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Duration: 0:46:55 | Added: 03 Oct 2013
Dr Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director of Greenpeace International, gives a talk for the Oxford Alumni Weekend 2013.

Some have described the current moment of world history as a 'perfect storm', as a range of crises converge. The impacts of climate change are picking up speed with often devastating consequences. Increased pressures on limited natural resources are inevitably leading to conflict. Globally we see major economic exclusion and a democratic deficit. This lecture will highlight how the environmental movement needs to act very differently than it has done in the past, applying 21st century practices to 21st century problems, in order to play its part effectively. South African human rights activist Dr Kumi Naidoo has been the International Executive Director of environmentalist group Greenpeace since November 2009. He is an alumnus of Magdalen College and a former Rhodes scholar.

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