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Tony Hope

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Tony Hope
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Duration: 1:28:26 | Added: 24 Aug 2021
Derek Hockaday interviews Tony Hope, Professor of Medical ethics and honorary consultant psychiatrist, 6 May 2014.

Topics discussed include: (00:00:16) first degree at Oxford prior to Medicine and early academic career; (00:06:58) physiology department, Oxford, and colleagues; (00:09:15) clinical years, including remembering Jim Holt; (00:12:34) interest in psychiatry during house jobs; (00:17:00) the Middlesex Hospital teaching compared to Oxford; (00:18:46) move into psychiatry, the Phoenix Unit at Littlemore Hospital; (00:22:00) diagnosis in psychiatry; (00:23:54) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; (00:27:40) medical ethics, Sid Bloch, student society The Oxford Medical Forum, developing teaching practice skills in Oxford, change of ethical management of patients in the 1970s; (00:41:45) teaching role in ethics and communications; (00:47:25) assessing success of teaching ethics; (00:51:51) working on dementia; (00:56:55) interaction between hospital and community relating to psychiatry; (01:01:13) Oxford university lectureship; (01:06:58) setting up the Ethox Foundation; (01:09:31) clinical work from 2005 onwards; (01:12:38) ethics research including on anorexia nervosa; (01:18:29) changes in student interest in medical ethics; (01:20:47) publications; (01:21:53) the Oxford Medical Forum; (01:23:47) proudest contribution to clinical work; (01:25:35) final thoughts, the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics. Note the following sections of audio are redacted: 00:59:56-1:01:12 and 01:04:54-1:06:58.

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