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In the first decades of the 21st century, researchers are beginning to understand in detail how our genetic inheritance makes us who we are. At the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, our aim is to extend that understanding in order to gain a clearer insight into mechanisms of health and disease. Looking across all three billion letters of the human genetic code, we aim to pinpoint variant spellings and discover how they increase or decrease an individual’s risk of falling ill.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
7 | Method in the Motion | A unique evening combining a scientific talk with inspirational dance. | Irina Pulyakhina, Flux | 14 Jul 2016 | |
6 | Creative Commons | The Heart and the Head, the full evening of science, storytelling, and music | An evening of storytelling and music where researchers from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, the Jenner Institute, and Cancer Research UK came together to tell stories about their lives as scientists, with live musical accompaniment. | Erwan Atcheson, Daniel Bulte, Anna Fowler, Brian Mackenwells | 16 Nov 2015 |
5 | Creative Commons | The Heart and the Head, Part 1 | Irina Pulyakhina, from the Julian Knight group at the WTCHG, speaks about her time helping a Masters student through an important presentation. | Irina Pulyakhina | 16 Nov 2015 |
4 | Creative Commons | The Heart and the Head, Part 2 | Anna Fowler, from the Lunter group at the WTCHG, speaks about how the patterns around a close-call in the desert makes her think about her work. | Anna Fowler | 16 Nov 2015 |
3 | Creative Commons | The Heart and the Head, Part 3 | Erwan Atcheson, from the Jenner Institute, speaks about his time studying parasitic worms, and the worries that come with it. | Erwan Atcheson | 16 Nov 2015 |
2 | Creative Commons | The Heart and the Head, Part 4 | Portia Westall, from the Donnelly group at the WTCHG, speaks about how she thinks about music when working on DNA sequences. | Portia Westall | 16 Nov 2015 |
1 | Creative Commons | The Heart and the Head, Part 5 | Daniel Bulte, from the Department of Oncology, speaks about what happens when they discover an ‘incidental finding’. | Daniel Bulte | 16 Nov 2015 |