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Podcasts of lectures and seminars held at the Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
42 | 'Healing Our Divided Society': The Kerner Commission at 50 | This presentation and discussion, features Gary Younge (University of Manchester) Alan Curtis (Eisenhower Foundation) on the legacies and lessons of the Kerner Commission and their relevance to the current American moment. | Mitch Robertson, Alan Curtis, Gary Younge | 30 Jun 2020 | |
41 | Race and the problem of the public in postwar America | Margaret Weir of Brown University, delivers the Winant Lecture in American Government | Margaret Weir | 25 Feb 2020 | |
40 | The 2019 Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters | New Yorker fiction through the decades | Deborah Treisman | 12 Dec 2019 | |
39 | The 2019 Sir John Elliott Lecture in Atlantic History | Health and disease history of the Caribbean, 1491-1850: two syndemics | John R. McNeill | 06 Jun 2019 | |
38 | The long-term implications of President Nixon's healthcare programme | A talk on President Nixon's radical new healthcare programme proposed in early 1971. | John Price | 26 Feb 2019 | |
37 | Has American democracy outstripped its institutional foundations? Principles without traction in 21st century governance | Winant Lecture in American Government | Stephen Skowronek | 26 Feb 2019 | |
36 | Making Oscar Wilde | Making Oscar Wilde reveals the untold story of young Oscar’s career in Victorian England and post-Civil War America. Set on two continents, it tracks a larger-than-life hero on an unforgettable adventure to make his name and gain international acclaim. | Michèle Mendelssohn | 26 Feb 2019 | |
35 | 2018 Harmsworth Lecture - War, Race and Anti-Imperialism in Merze Tate’s International Thought | Professor Barbara Savage, (Pennsylvania), gives the 2018 Harmsworth lecture. | Barbara Savage | 19 Nov 2018 | |
34 | The Not So Odd Couple: Richard Nixon and Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Mr Price, who joined the staff of the Nixon administration in 1969, working in the Urban Affairs Council, discusses the relationship between Moynihan and Nixon during the Nixon presidency. | John Price | 09 May 2016 | |
33 | Creative Commons | Politics After God | The 2018 Winant Lecture in American Government. | David Sehat, Hal Jones | 15 Feb 2018 |
32 | Creative Commons | The Dream Colony: The Life in Art of Walter Hopps | Deborah Treisman, Fiction Editor of The New Yorker, discusses the life and work of American museum director and curator of modern art, Walter Hopps, with visiting professor of American Art, Miguel De Baca | Deborah Treisman, Miguel De Baca | 13 Nov 2017 |
31 | The Trump Administration and The New Nationalism | The Rothermere American Institute’s annual Ambassador John J. Louis Jr. Lecture in Anglo-American Relations given by The Hon. Jamie Rubin, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State. | Jamie Rubin | 05 Jun 2017 | |
30 | Merchants of Death? The Nye Commission, the Business of War, and the Politics of Memory | Professor Christopher Capozzola specializes in the political and cultural history of the United States from the late nineteenth century to the present. His research interests are in the history of war, politics, and citizenship in modern American history. | Christopher Capozzola | 22 May 2017 | |
29 | America and the Treaty of Versailles | A public lecture for a series on the United States and World War One. | Margaret MacMillan | 15 May 2017 | |
28 | The Triumph of the Humanities | Michael S. Malone, journalist, bestselling author, and one of the world's best known technology writers challenges the notion that the humanities are facing a crisis. | Michael S. Malone | 25 Oct 2012 | |
27 | Creative Commons | Joining the Revolution | Lyndon Johnson, the modern presidency and the Civil Rights Movement. | Sidney M Milkis | 07 Mar 2017 |
26 | ‘O Say Can You See?’ Art, Propaganda and the First World War | A public lecture by Professor David Lubin (Wake Forest University) as part of a series on the history of the United States and World War One. | David Lubin | 28 Feb 2017 | |
25 | “Deeds Not Words”: American Social Justice Movements and World War One | A public lecture on the United States and World War One | Jennifer Keene | 14 Feb 2017 | |
24 | ‘Exiled Children’ and the Easter Rising: America and Irish Independence | Robert Schmuhl (Notre Dame) gives a talk on the Easter Rising as part of the American History Research Seminar series. | Robert Schmuhl | 19 Oct 2016 | |
23 | Masters of the Seas: Naval Power and the First World War | Sir Hew Strachan delivers the first Rothermere American Institute Lecture at the annual Chalke Valley History Festival on 29 June 2016. | Hew Strachan | 12 Sep 2016 | |
22 | The Not So Odd Couple: Richard Nixon and Daniel Patrick Moynihan | Mr Price, who joined the staff of the Nixon administration in 1969, working in the Urban Affairs Council, discusses the relationship between Moynihan and Nixon during the Nixon presidency. | John Price | 09 May 2016 | |
21 | American Higher Education: Observations from the Field | Robert Scott (President Emeritus, Adelphi University, and RAI), gives a talk for the Rothermere American Institute on the state of American higher education. | Robert Scott | 28 Oct 2015 | |
20 | Anglo-American Relations - The Ambassador John J. Louis Jr. Lecture 2015 | The Chancellor of Oxford University, Lord Patten of Barnes, CH, delivers the RAI’s inaugural Ambassador John J. Louis Jr. Lecture in Anglo-American Relations | Chris Patten | 27 May 2015 | |
19 | Combatting Fraud in the US Capital Markets | Christopher P. ‘Kip’ Hall (DLA Piper and University of Connecticut) gives a talk on Fraud in American Capital markets. Part of the American Business: Past, Present and Future series. | Christopher P Kip Hall | 23 Feb 2015 | |
18 | Party Balance, Partisan Polarization, and Policy Conflict: The Evolution of American Politics, 1932-2014 | The 2015 Winant Lecture in American Government. Byron Shafer is Hawkins Chair of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. | Byron Shafer | 29 Aug 2018 | |
17 | American Foreign Policy in the 21st Century | The Hon. Christopher Bancroft Burnham, Former US Under Secretary of State and former Under Secretary General of the United Nations, gives a talk for the Rothermere American Institute seminar series | Christopher Bancroft Burnham | 03 Nov 2014 | |
16 | America’s Healthcare Crisis: Lessons for Policymakers | Gary Lauer (eHealth Inc.) gives a talk on the American Healthcare system | Gary Lauer | 22 Oct 2014 | |
15 | A Progressive Disease: Is Micro-Regulation Killing America’s ‘Can Do’ Culture? | Philip K. Howard (Common Good legal reform coalition) gives a talk for the Rothermere American Institute | Phillip K Howard | 22 Oct 2014 | |
14 | 'The "Age of Revolutions" as an Age of Civil Wars' | The Sir John Elliott Lecture in Atlantic History 2014 by Professor David Armitage. | David Armitage | 12 Jun 2014 | |
13 | The Futility of Economic Forecasting? | Michael Aronstein, President, Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer of Marketfield Asset Management (New York) delivers a lecture in the Institute’s ‘American Business: Past, Present and Future’ series. | Michael Aronstein | 21 May 2014 | |
12 | Creative Commons | Kant's little East Prussian Head and Other Reasons why we Write | Writer Claire Messud gives the Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters 2014 | Claire Messud | 20 May 2014 |
11 | Creative Commons | Social Sector Dynamics - Opportunities Abound! | Chairman and Founder of the Bridgespan Group Thomas J. Tierney gives a talk for the Rothermere American Institute on philanthropy and how many Americans are giving back to society | Thomas J Tierney | 07 May 2014 |
10 | Nixon the President, Nixon the Man | Please note. The final 10 minutes to this podcast are Audio Only. We apologise for the inconvenience. | Alexander Butterfield, John Price | 25 Mar 2014 | |
9 | The Assassination of President Kennedy: 50 years on | Godfrey Hodgson and Randall Woods discuss President Kennedy's life in a special event marking the anniversary of his assassination on November 22, 1963. | Godfrey Hodgson, Randall Woods | 02 Dec 2013 | |
8 | The Hopkins Touch: Harry Hopkins and the Forging of the Alliance to Defeat Hitler | David Roll's portrait of Hopkins discusses his early life and career, but emphasizes his role alongside FDR (and later Truman) in World War II, making use of previously private diaries and letters. | David L Roll | 15 Nov 2013 | |
7 | Esmond Harmsworth Lecture 2013: Theater in the Age of Twitter | The annual Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters, given in May 2013 by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Auburn. | David Auburn | 16 Oct 2013 | |
6 | Creative Commons | A Great Deal of Ruin in a Nation | In this lecture, Professor Barry Supple (FBA) and Professor Avner Offer (FBA) will analyse the post-war economic development of the United States. | Barry Supple, Avner Offer | 14 Nov 2012 |
5 | Sabina Murray: Bouncing Across the Plank: Politics, History, and Literary Imagination | The Annual Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters, given by award-winning Filipina American screenwriter and novelist, Sabina Murray at the Rothermere American Institute on 13th June 2012. | Sabina Murray | 25 Jun 2012 | |
4 | C.K. Williams: A Life in Poems (2010 Esmond Harmsworth Lecture) | The Annual Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters, given by Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner C.K. Williams on 'A Life in Poems' at the Rothermere American Institute on 24th May 2010. | C.K. Williams | 28 May 2010 | |
3 | Standing Neustadt on his Head: The Leadership Style of Dwight D. Eisenhower | Fred L. Greenstein (Professor of Politics Emeritus, Princeton University) delivers the 2010 John Lees Memorial Lecture at the American Politics Group conference. | Fred Greenstein | 05 Mar 2010 | |
2 | He's got the whole world in his hands: US History and its discontents in the Obama Era | Robin Kelley's inaugral lecture comments on the absence of discussion about race as connected to Barak Obama's presidency, particularly in light of American history and politics. | Robin D Kelley | 01 Dec 2009 | |
1 | Arthur Miller: Un-American (2009 Esmond Harmsworth Lecture) | The 2009 Esmond Harmsworth Lecture in American Arts and Letters, given on 21 May 2009 at the Rothermere American Institute, by Professor Christopher Bigsby, University of East Anglia. | Christopher Bigsby | 09 Oct 2009 |