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Recording the Reformation

# Episode Title Description People Date
4 Film Trailer - Singing the Reformation Trailer for 'Singing the Reformation' - a film about the Oxford Bach Soloists' tour to Northern Germany as part of the knowledge-exchange project 'Recording the Reformation', led by Prof. Henrike Lähnemann at the University of Oxford. Alex Lloyd 05 Dec 2016
3 Reading in German Excerpts from a reading in May 2016 at the Taylor Institution, University of Oxford, with Karen Leeder, Ulrike Draesner, and Ulrike Almut Sandig. Karen Leeder, Ulrike Draesner, Ulrike Almut Sandig 05 Dec 2016
2 Concert at the Mariensee Convent with the Oxford Bach Soloists Concert at the Mariensee Convent with the Oxford Bach Soloists (A lecture-recital tracing the origins of Bach's Cantata 'Christ lag in Todesbanden' (BWV 4) at Mariensee Convent in Northern Germany. Henrike Lähnemann, The Oxford Bach Soloists, Alex Lloyd 05 Dec 2016
1 Singing the Reformation A film by Alex Lloyd about the Oxford Bach Soloists' recent tour to Northern Germany as part of the knowledge-exchange project 'Recording the Reformation', led by Prof. Henrike Lähnemann at the University of Oxford. Alex Lloyd 05 Dec 2016