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ICT for Development Seminar Series

A seminar series gathering leading scholars and practitioners to reflect on the influence of new communication technologies on development processes. Organised by the Oxford Internet Institute (OII), the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy (PCMLP), the Department of International Development (ODID) and the Technology & Management for Development Centre (TMD) at the University of Oxford.

# Episode Title Description People Date
17 Creative Commons Combatting Corruption with Mobile Phones India’s right to information movement demonstrated the potential to combat corruption through social audits – an exercise to share and verify public records with people. Vivek Srinivasan 26 Mar 2015
16 Africa’s Information Revolution: Rhetoric and Reality Over the past decade there has been a phenomenal growth in mobile phone and internet usage in Africa which has attracted substantial media and academic interest. Padraig Carmody 26 Mar 2015
15 Creative Commons Dying for an iPhone: The Hidden Struggle of China’s Workers An in-depth study of the most powerful electronics contractor and the lives of its 1.4 million workers. Jenny Chan 26 Mar 2015
14 Creative Commons Ethical Treatment of Data in New Digital Landscapes - bringing development practitioners and academics together How can NGOs like Oxfam come together with academics and practitioners alike to tackle emerging privacy and security challenges when it comes to effective management of data? Amy O'Donnell 26 Mar 2015
13 The (so far) grassroots success story of Farmerline, a social mobile tech enterprise for African farmers Alloysius Attah discusses some of Farmerline's success factors, including its locally adapted technological solutions and strong local outreach Alloysius Attah 04 Feb 2015
12 ICT, Civic Education and Civil Society Capacity Building in Iran Since Tavaana's launch in 2010, the e-learning institute has safely educated thousands of Iranians about democracy and human rights. Mariam Memarsadeghi 04 Feb 2015
11 What Hopes for ICT for Development? Tim Unwin focuses on current work at the CTO, where his own personal contributions focus especially on the use of ICTs by people with disabilities. Tim Unwin 21 Mar 2014
10 Thoughts Towards a History of ICT4D - And Its Future Role David Souter uses the history and development of ICT4D as a framework to critique ICT4D approaches and consider the relevance of ICTs and ICT4D to the post-2015 development agenda. David Souter 27 Feb 2014
9 How best to communicate with communities affected by disaster? Case Studies from Typhoon Haiyan This seminar will investigate how different technologies were used by CDAC Network Members in the immediate response to Typhoon Haiyan, focusing particularly on how needs assessment data was collected, shared and acted upon. Nicki Bailey 27 Feb 2014
8 The Internet in a post-PRISM world Dan McQuillan examines the Internet in a post-PRISM world, and asks if its power to tackle global poverty will be lost. Dan McQuillan 12 Feb 2014
7 Crowdsourcing and Development of Activity Systems: the Case of Emergency Response Gregory Asmolov suggests applying the notion of activity systems and zones of proximal development, as conceptualized in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), to the field of ICT4D. Gregory Asmolov 12 Feb 2014
6 The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Implications for ICT4D Research Richard Heeks explores new post-2015 development agenda and its implications for ICT4D (information and communication technologies for development) research priorities. Richard Heeks 12 Feb 2014
5 The Information Society Agenda: Prospects and Problems Discussion of dominant approaches by intergovernmental agencies to information society policy and the prospects for introducing critical perspectives that acknowledge the power relations which inform information society strategies and actions. Robin Mansell 16 Jan 2014
4 ICTs, Innovation and Regulation in the Somali Territories A seminar exploring technology and regulation in the Somali territories of the Horn of Africa. Despite weak or non-existent government institutions, innovation has flourished with local solutions to local challenges. Abdirashid Duale 16 Jan 2014
3 Humanitarian campaigns in social media: network architectures and Kony 2012 as a polymedia event An assessment of the optimism surrounding the opportunities that social media offer for humanitarian action, drawing on analysis of the phenomenally popular and controversial Kony 2012 campaign. Mirca Madianou 16 Jan 2014
2 Disjunctures and Connections: Case Studies of How Techno-politics Make and Cut Networks In a development context, the ways in which new media objects (eg ICTs) are defined in relation to other objects, people and institutions map out new figurations of power and connection, that revalue and recombine political agency. Don Slater 16 Jan 2014
1 Development 2.0 and beyond: Challenges for ICT4D in 2013 Dr Thompson addresses some of the opportunities and contradictions presented by ICT4D and considers some emerging ways in which ICT4D researchers may contribute to the field. Mark Thompson 16 Jan 2014