In this history lecture series Professor Steven Gunn look at the effects of war on the people of England in the 1500s. This lecture series was recorded in Hilary Term 2015 and is part of the annual James Ford Lectures in British History series at the Examination Schools in Oxford University.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
6 | Creative Commons | Wars and Rumours of Wars | This lecture introduces the series and asks how many people took part in war in Henry VIII's England and how far those not directly involved were aware of what was happening. | Steven Gunn | 12 Oct 2016 |
5 | Creative Commons | Towns and villages | This lecture uses the records of hundreds of parishes and boroughs to see how communities coped with the pressures of war in Henry VIII's England. | Steven Gunn | 12 Oct 2016 |
4 | Creative Commons | Noblemen and gentlemen | This lecture explores how military service related to the social power and self-image of lords and gentlemen in Henry VIII's England. | Steven Gunn | 12 Oct 2016 |
3 | Creative Commons | Trade and tillage | This lecture examines war and the economy in Henry VIII's England: heavy taxation and disrupted trade threatened recession. | Steven Gunn | 12 Oct 2016 |
2 | Creative Commons | Killing and dying | This lecture asks what weapons people owned in Henry VIII's England and whether they knew how to use them, some of its evidence drawn from coroners' inquests into accidents with bows, guns and swords. | Steven Gunn | 12 Oct 2016 |
1 | Creative Commons | Kings and peoples | This lecture argues that engagement in war vitally shaped the relationship of Henry VIII's subjects with the king and with his immediate successors. | Steven Gunn | 12 Oct 2016 |