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Careers in Chemistry: Beyond Academia

Love chemistry but not sure about academia? Listen to Oxford alumni at all stages of their careers talk about the ways they have used chemistry to pursue industry research, patent law, science journalism and more. To learn more about our links with alumni and to find more information on careers services, etc, please visit http://alumni.chem.ox.ac.uk/.

# Episode Title Description People Date
4 Industry research and management at Infineum Dr Martin-Dare Edwards (University College, 1974), Project Director for Infineum UK, talks about transitioning from research to management roles within the chemical industry. Martin-Dare Edwards 17 Jul 2013
3 Science Communication at the University of Oxford Botanic Garden Dr Alison Foster (Jesus College), Senior Curator at the University of Oxford Botanic Garden, talks about her journey from industrial pharmaceutical chemistry research to her current role in horticulture, and offers some tips for major career transitions. Alison Foster 17 Jul 2013
2 Science Journalism Laura Howes (Merton, 2001), a science correspondent for Chemistry World, talks about the ins and out of science journalism in general, and her path to a career with the Royal Society of Chemistry. Laura Howes 17 Jul 2013
1 Patent Law Dr John Fisher (Oriel College, 2001), talks about his role as a patent attorney, and offers advice for students who are considering a similar career. It's all about advocacy! John Fisher 17 Jul 2013