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Building a Business is a lecture series designed to teach the fundamentals of developing a business. Each lecture provides practical information and examples to identify key aspects of successful entrepreneurship. These podcasts are the lecture video recordings registered at the Said Business School in Oxford, United Kingdom.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
56 | Financial projections - Chapter 5 | Dr. Thomas Hellmann, Academic Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at the Saïd School of Business, University of Oxford, presents final examples of financial projections. | Thomas Hellmann | 22 Dec 2014 | |
55 | Financial projections - Chapter 4 | Dr. Thomas Hellmann, Academic Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at the Saïd School of Business, University of Oxford, presents what are the classic mistakes that the entrepreneurs make when they do financial projections. | Thomas Hellmann | 22 Dec 2014 | |
54 | Financial projections - Chapter 3 | Dr. Thomas Hellmann, Academic Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at the Saïd School of Business, University of Oxford, explains what are the cost projections, integrated projections and how to manage the cash flow. | Thomas Hellmann | 22 Dec 2014 | |
53 | Financial projections - Chapter 2 | Dr. Thomas Hellmann, Academic Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at the Saïd School of Business, University of Oxford, explains what are the cost projections, integrated projections and how to manage the cash flow. | Thomas Hellmann | 22 Dec 2014 | |
52 | Financial projections - Chapter 1 | Dr. Thomas Hellmann, Academic Director of the Entrepreneurship Centre at the Saïd School of Business, University of Oxford, explains the term financial projections. | Thomas Hellmann | 22 Dec 2014 | |
51 | Raising Venture Capital Chapter 6 | Christian Hernandez, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at White Star Capital, summarises the lecture with final remarks on how to raise venture capital. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 25th, 2014. | Christian Hernandez | 18 Dec 2014 | |
50 | Raising Venture Capital Chapter 5 | Christian Hernandez, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at White Star Capital, explains the ratio of opportunities and how the investment process looks like from the venture capitalists perspective. | Christian Hernandez | 18 Dec 2014 | |
49 | Raising Venture Capital Chapter 4 | Christian Hernandez, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at White Star Capital, explains what is bootstrapping. | Christian Hernandez | 18 Dec 2014 | |
48 | Raising Venture Capital Chapter 3 | Christian Hernandez, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at White Star Capital,explains the dynamics between venture capitalists, shareholders and clients. | Christian Hernandez | 18 Dec 2014 | |
47 | Raising Venture Capital Chapter 2 | Christian Hernandez, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at White Star Capital, presents trends in technology that are interesting for venture capital companies. | Christian Hernandez | 18 Dec 2014 | |
46 | Raising Venture Capital Chapter 1 | Christian Hernandez, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at White Star Capital, explains what is venture capital. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 25th, 2014. | Christian Hernandez | 18 Dec 2014 | |
45 | How Can I Protect My Ideas? - Chapter 6 | Robert Anderson, Intellectual Property Lawyer at Hogan Lovells, summarises the lecture with final remarks on intellectual property. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 18th, 2014. | Robert Anderson | 18 Dec 2014 | |
44 | How Can I Protect My Ideas? - Chapter 5 | Robert Anderson, Intellectual Property Lawyer at Hogan Lovells, explains what are the commercial and practical matters to keep in mind when you want to protect your business idea.This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford o | Robert Anderson | 18 Dec 2014 | |
43 | How Can I Protect My Ideas? - Chapter 4 | Robert Anderson, Intellectual Property Lawyer at Hogan Lovells, explains what is a patent. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 18th, 2014. | Robert Anderson | 18 Dec 2014 | |
42 | How Can I Protect My Ideas? - Chapter 3 | Robert Anderson, Intellectual Property Lawyer at Hogan Lovells, explains what is a copyright. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 18th, 2014. | Robert Anderson | 18 Dec 2014 | |
41 | How Can I Protect My Ideas? - Chapter 2 | Robert Anderson, Intellectual Property Lawyer at Hogan Lovells, explains what is a trademark. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 18th, 2014. | Robert Anderson | 18 Dec 2014 | |
40 | How Can I Protect My Ideas? - Chapter 1 | Robert Anderson, Intellectual Property Lawyer at Hogan Lovells, explains what is intellectual property. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 18th, 2014. | Robert Anderson | 18 Dec 2014 | |
39 | Creative Commons | How Can I Know If My Idea Is Good? - Chapter 6 | Dave Fletcher, Founder and Managing Director of White October summarises the lecture with final remarks on customer discovery. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 11th, 2014. | Dave Fletcher | 01 Dec 2014 |
38 | Creative Commons | How Can I Know If My Idea Is Good? - Chapter 5 | Dave Fletcher, Founder and Managing Director of White October explains how to test the solutions in customer discovery. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 11th, 2014. | Dave Fletcher | 01 Dec 2014 |
37 | Creative Commons | How Can I Know If My Idea Is Good? - Chapter 4 | Dave Fletcher, Founder and Managing Director of White October presents the ideas on how to test the problem in customer discovery. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 11th, 2014. | Dave Fletcher | 01 Dec 2014 |
36 | Creative Commons | How Can I Know If My Idea Is Good? - Chapter 3 | Dave Fletcher, Founder and Managing Director of White October summarises the main issues regarding the customer development theory. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 11th, 2014. | David Fletcher | 01 Dec 2014 |
35 | Creative Commons | How Can I Know If My Idea Is Good? - Chapter 2 | Dave Fletcher, Founder and Managing Director of White October explains the preparation process for customer discovery. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 11th, 2014. | Dave Fletcher | 01 Dec 2014 |
34 | Creative Commons | How Can I Know If My Idea Is Good? - Chapter 1 | Dave Fletcher, Founder and Managing Director of White October explains what is customer development. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 11th, 2014. | Dave Fletcher | 01 Dec 2014 |
33 | Creative Commons | How Do I Market My Business And Sell Products? - Chapter 6 | AJ Leon, Founder and Artistic Director of Misfit Incorporated and Twitgift summarises the lecture with some final remarks. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 4th, 2014. | AJ Leon | 18 Nov 2014 |
32 | Creative Commons | How Do I Market My Business And Sell Products? - Chapter 5 | AJ Leon, Founder and Artistic Director of Misfit Incorporated and Twitgift presents the effective pitching an sales techniques. | AJ Leon | 18 Nov 2014 |
31 | Creative Commons | How Do I Market My Business And Sell Products? - Chapter 4 | AJ Leon, Founder and Artistic Director of Misfit Incorporated and Twitgift explains why the community is more powerful than a customer base. | AJ Leon | 18 Nov 2014 |
30 | Creative Commons | How Do I Market My Business And Sell Products? - Chapter 3 | AJ Leon, Founder and Artistic Director of Misfit Incorporated and Twitgift presents the basics of content marketing. | AJ Leon | 18 Nov 2014 |
29 | How Do I Market My Business And Sell Products? - Chapter 2 | AJ Leon, Founder and Artistic Director of Misfit Incorporated and Twitgift presents the theory behind positioning and branding in order to drive traffic and generate interest in any business. | AJ Leon | 18 Nov 2014 | |
28 | How Do I Market My Business And Sell Products? - Chapter 1 | AJ Leon, Founder and Artistic Director of Misfit Incorporated and Twitgift presents his background and his company. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on November 4th, 2014. | AJ Leon | 18 Nov 2014 | |
27 | Business Model Canvas and Lean approach Chapter 4 | Maria Nikolou, Senior Programme Manger in the Entrepreneurship Centre, Saïd Business School summarises her lecture with final remarks. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on October 28th, 2014. | Maria Nikolou | 12 Nov 2014 | |
26 | Business Model Canvas and Lean approach Chapter 3 | Maria Nikolou, Senior Programme Manger in the Entrepreneurship Centre, Saïd Business School presents basic information concerning the customer development and minimum viable product. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxfor | Maria Nikolou | 12 Nov 2014 | |
25 | Business Model Canvas and Lean approach Chapter 2 | Maria Nikolou, Senior Programme Manger in the Entrepreneurship Centre, Saïd Business School presents the Business Model Canvas and useful tips on how to use it. | Maria Nikolou | 12 Nov 2014 | |
24 | Business Model Canvas and Lean approach Chapter 1 | Maria Nikolou, Senior Programme Manger in the Entrepreneurship Centre, Saïd Business School presents the Lean approach. | Maria Nikolou | 12 Nov 2014 | |
23 | Future-Proofing Business - Chapter 3 | Pamela Hartigan, Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship presents the B-Impact Assessment tool. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on October 21st, 2014. | Pamela Hartigan | 03 Nov 2014 | |
22 | Future-Proofing Business - Chapter 2 | Pamela Hartigan, Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship presents the B-Impact Assessment tool. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on October 21st, 2014 | Pamela Hartigan | 03 Nov 2014 | |
21 | Future-Proofing Business - Chapter 1 | Pamela Hartigan, Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship introduces the concept of future-proofing business. This lecture took place at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford on October 21st, 2014. | Pamela Hartigan | 03 Nov 2014 | |
20 | How do I start a Business? – Chapter 5 | Constantin Coussios, Professor in the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford, introduces the initial steps needed to launch a venture and issues to consider. | Constantin Coussios | 27 Oct 2014 | |
19 | How do I start a Business? – Chapter 4 | Constantin Coussios, Professor in the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford, introduces the initial steps needed to launch a venture and issues to consider. In this chapter Prof. Coussios introduces basic terms and concepts. | Constantin Coussios | 27 Oct 2014 | |
18 | How do I start a Business? – Chapter 3 | Constantin Coussios, Professor in the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford, introduces the initial steps needed to launch a venture and issues to consider. | Constantin Coussios | 27 Oct 2014 | |
17 | How do I start a Business? – Chapter 2 | Constantin Coussios, Professor in the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford, introduces the initial steps needed to launch a venture and issues to consider. | Constantin Coussios | 27 Oct 2014 | |
16 | How do I start a Business? – Chapter 1 | Constantin Coussios, Professor in the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford, introduces the initial steps needed to launch a venture and issues to consider. | Constantin Coussios | 27 Oct 2014 | |
15 | How do I start a Business? - Introduction | Constantin Coussios, Professor in the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Oxford, introduces the initial steps needed to launch a venture and issues to consider. | Constantin Coussios | 27 Oct 2014 | |
14 | Creative Commons | Future Proofing Business: Beyond CSR | Pamela Hartigan, Director, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, Saïd Business School, discusses some emerging models of entrepreneurial ventures that have a social and/or environmental mission at their core. | Pamela Hartigan | 26 Feb 2014 |
13 | Creative Commons | Understanding Financial Control | Simon Husband, Director, Richardsons Financial Group gives some frank advice on taxes, record-keeping and financial control for entrepreneurs in the early stage of business. | Simon Husband | 26 Feb 2014 |
12 | Creative Commons | Building a Business 2013-14: The Art and Practice of Negotiation | Ian Kessler, Professor of International Human Resource Management, King's College London, gives a talk for the 2013-14 Building a Business series | Ian Kessler | 12 Feb 2014 |
11 | Creative Commons | Raising capital, doing deals | Henry Davis, Senior Associate, Index Ventures, gives a talk for the 2013-14 Series of Building a Business | Henry Davis | 12 Feb 2014 |
10 | Building a Business 2013/14: Protecting your ideas: intellectual property | Ian Bingham, Senior Partner, IP Asset LLP, gives a talk for the Building a Business seminar series looking at intellectual property law and how new businesses can protect their ideas | Ian Bingham | 18 Dec 2013 | |
9 | Building a Business 2013/14: From business models to business plans | Barbara Diehl and Maria Nikolou, The Entrepreneurship Centre, Saïd Business School give a talk for the Building A Business seminar series looking at creating a business plan from business models. | Barbara Diehl, Maria Nikolou | 18 Dec 2013 | |
8 | Creative Commons | Building a Business 2012/13: Creating an Innovative, Compelling and Sustainable Business | Pamela Hartigan is the Director of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Saïd Business School. | Pamela Hartigan | 19 Mar 2013 |
7 | Building a Business 2012/13: Be a New Kind of Leader, Fit for the 21st Century | John Knights is the Co-founder and Chairman of Leadershape Ltd. | John Knights | 19 Mar 2013 | |
6 | Creative Commons | Building a Business 2012/13: Understanding Financial Control | Simon Husband is the Director of Richardsons Financial Group. | Simon Husband | 19 Mar 2013 |
5 | Creative Commons | Building a Business 2012/13: Taking the First Steps: Company Basics | Martin Chilcott, founder and CEO of 2 degrees, specialises in the environment and education. 2 degrees is the largest community for sustainable business globally. | Martin Chilcott | 15 Mar 2013 |
4 | Building a Business: Managing People, Managing Teams | Tim Cook (Non-Executive Director of Isis Innovation) discusses managing people and teams. | Tim Cook | 22 Feb 2012 | |
3 | Building a Business: Marketing and Product Development | Patrick Mawhood (Head of Product Manufacturing at Sky IQ) discusses marketing and developing your product or service. | Patrick Mawhood | 22 Feb 2012 | |
2 | Building a Business: Entrepreneurship and the Ideal Business Plan | Fiona Reid (Former Executive Director of the Oxford Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation) talks about communicating your vision and the ideal business plan. | Fiona Reid | 24 Mar 2011 | |
1 | Building a Business: Marketing: Creating and Keeping Customers | Jonathan Reynolds (Academic Director of the Oxford Institute of Retail Management) discusses principles of marketing, including using the internet and social media. | Jonathan Reynolds | 24 Mar 2011 |