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Bioethics is the study of the moral implications of new and emerging medical technologies and looks to answer questions such as selling organs, euthanasia and whether should we clone people. The series consists of a series of interviews by leading bioethics academics and is aimed at individuals looking to explore often difficult and confusing questions surrounding medical ethics. The series lays out the issue in a clear and precise way and looks to show all sides of the debate.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
10 | Creative Commons | Neuroscience Can Tell Us About Morality | What can science tell us about morality? Many philosophers would say, 'nothing at all'. Facts don't imply values, they say. you need further argument to move from facts about us and about the world to conclusions about what we ought to do. | Patricia Churchland | 03 Feb 2012 |
9 | Creative Commons | Brain Chemistry and Moral Decision-Making | Answers to moral questions, it seems, depend on how much serotonin there is flowing through your brain. In the future might we be able to alter people's moral behaviour with concoctions of chemicals? | Molly Crocket | 04 Jan 2012 |
8 | Creative Commons | Responsibility | If someone caught me shoplifting, and I was later diagnosed with kleptomania, should I be held responsible? Should I be blamed? | Hanna Pickard | 01 Dec 2011 |
7 | Creative Commons | Selling Organs | Everyday people die in hospitals because there aren't enough organs available for transplant. In most countries of the world - though not all - it is illegal to sell organs. | Tim Lewens | 01 Nov 2011 |
6 | Creative Commons | Bio-Ethics Bites | Demand for health care is infinite, but money is finite. So how should we distribute resources? Whom should we help, and why? | Jonathan Wolf | 03 Oct 2011 |
5 | Creative Commons | Trust | Radically new techniques are opening up exciting possibilities for those working in health care - for psychiatrists, doctors, surgeons; the option to clone human beings, to give just one example. | Onora O'Neill | 01 Sep 2011 |
4 | Creative Commons | Status Quo Bias | Suppose a genetic engineering breakthrough made it simple, safe and cheap to increase people's intelligence. | Nick Bostrom | 01 Aug 2011 |
3 | Creative Commons | Life and Death | If a patient decides she doesn't want to live any longer, should she be allowed to die? Should she be allowed to kill herself? | Peter Singer | 04 Jul 2011 |
2 | Creative Commons | Moral Status | A stone on the beach, we assume, has no moral status. We can kick or hammer the stone, and we have done the stone no harm. Typical adult human beings do have moral status. We shouldn't, without a very good reason, kick a man or woman. | Jeff McMahan | 31 May 2011 |
1 | Creative Commons | Designer Babies | The term 'designer baby' is usually used in a pejorative sense - to conjure up some dystopian Brave New World. There are already ways to affect what kind of children you have - most obviously by choosing the partner to have them with. | Julian Savulescu | 31 May 2011 |