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Saul Friedländer: Trends in the historiography of the Holocaust

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Duration: 1:11:46 | Added: 19 Jun 2012
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Saul Friedländer: Trends in the historiography of the Holocaust
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Duration: 1:11:46 | Added: 19 Jun 2012
Professor Saul Friedländer delivers a lecture as the inaugural Humanitas Visiting Professor in Historiography.

Saul Friedländer has been Professor of History at Tel Aviv University and the University of California, Los Angeles, where he holds the 1939 Club Chair in Holocaust Studies. Among Friedländer's many books on Nazism and the Holocaust, the most recent are Nazi Germany and the Jews: The Years of Persecution, 1933-1939, (HarperCollins 1997) and The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (HarperCollins 2007). Most recently, he received the Peace Prize of the German Book-Trade Association (2007) and, in 2008, the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction.

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