Researching South Asia: Climate Change
Camelia Dewan is an environmental anthropologist focusing on the anthropology of development. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo and the author of Misreading the Bengal Delta: Climate Change, Development, and Livelihoods in Coastal Bangladesh (University of Washington Press).
Nausheen H Anwar is Professor of Regional & City Planning, Department of Social Sciences, IBA, Karachi, Pakistan, and the Founder & Director of the Karachi Urban Lab. Nausheen also holds a joint appointment as Research Fellow, in the Cities Cluster, IDS, University of Sussex, UK.
Nikhil Anand is an environmental anthropologist whose research focuses on cities, infrastructure, state power and climate change. He addresses these questions by studying the political ecology of cities, read through the different lives of water. His new book project, Urban Seas, decenters the grounds of urban planning by drawing attention to the work of fishers and scientists in climate changed seas.
V. Chitra is an anthropologist whose research intersects environmental studies, STS, and visual studies. She is currently working on her first book, which is titled "Drawing Coastlines: Climate Anxieties and the Visual Reinvention of Mumbai's Shore." Chitra is particularly interested in experimenting with comics as an ethnographic medium.
Aditya Ramesh is a Presidential fellow in environmental history at the University of Manchester. His current research examines colonial and postcolonial urban spaces, disease ecologies, and rapid environmental change. The research is deeply collaborative, and involves working with colleagues including Bhavani Raman (an early colonial historian), Karen Coehlo (an anthropologist) and Molly Roy (a counter-mapper) and is focused, at least partially on the coastal city of Chennai, formerly Madras, and its many hydro-spheres. Previously Aditya worked on large dams, technocratic governance, and regimes of property in colonial and postcolonial south India.