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Redirecting Fleet Street: 2: Press Regulation: Taking Account of Media Convergence

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Redirecting Fleet Street: 2: Press Regulation: Taking Account of Media Convergence
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Duration: 0:17:23 | Added: 06 Jun 2012
Lara Fielden, formerly BBC and Ofcom; Visiting Fellow, Reuters Institute, Oxford, gives a talk for the Redirecting Fleet Street: Media Regulation and the Role of Law conference.

Press regulation, and debate over its future, cannot be isolated from a wider settlement for regulated media content if regulatory coherence across platforms is to be achieved. Consumers, particularly younger consumers, are accessing and engaging with a range of broadcast, print, self-scheduled and wider online content. Yet the standards (if any) applied to these services are marked by inconsistency and fail to enable citizens to make informed, democratic choices across media platforms.

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