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Cycling Through Time

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Duration: 0:01:47 | Added: 12 Apr 2024
Archive footage of cycling through the busy streets of Oxford and Cowley in the 1920s, 40s, and 50s.

Hop on your vintage bicycle and pedal back in time to the bustling streets of Oxford and Cowley in the 1920s, 40s, and 50s. In this mesmerizing film footage, witness the timeless charm of students and workers as they navigate the cobblestone lanes with style and grace. From the Oxford High to the industrial heart of Cowley, every frame is a window to the past, brimming with nostalgia and adventure. Footage includes a four-wheeled horse drawn carriage travelling with passengers along the High street in 1928. Join us on this journey through history as we rediscover the joys of cycling in a bygone era.

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