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Why do we fly & could we fly less? The Flying Less movement in the Higher Education Sector

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Why do we fly & could we fly less? The Flying Less movement in the Higher Education Sector
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Duration: 0:33:57 | Added: 10 Aug 2022
How to thrive as a Flying Less scholar: Professor Hannah Knox, Anthropology, University College London

Global aviation is likely to use up about one sixth of the remaining carbon budget to keep the world under 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050. Experts from a range of universities and disciplines shed light on the most challenging areas of flying and the international Higher Education sector, answering the key questions: 1. Why Fly Less? 2. How to Fly Less while retaining an international outlook and research & teaching practice?

Staff profile – how to thrive as a Flying Less scholar.
Contributor: Professor Hannah Knox, Professor of Anthropology, UCL.
This episode was recorded on 22 September 2021.

Originally published as part of 'The Oxford Flying Less Podcast' by Noah Birksted-Breen. Listen to the full series on Apple Podcasts:

Materials cited - 'Flying Less' blogs by Professor Hannah Knox:
‘Not Flying. Steps towards a post-carbon Anthropology?’
‘My year without flying'

Producer/presenter: Dr. Noah Birksted-Breen, Researcher, University of Oxford

Editor: Ryan Beckerleg, PhD student in the School of Physics and Astronomy based at Cardiff University's Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC).

Music written and composed: Julian Bell.

Commissioned by the School of Geography, University of Oxford, in collaboration with University of Oxford's Environmental Sustainability Team. This podcast is funded by the Green Travel Fund.

The Flying Less podcast is a project of the Oxford Flying Less Group, an informal association of staff and students at the University of Oxford, advocating for reducing our institution's dependence upon aviation.

If you have been moved to take action by this podcast, why not:
- share this podcast with colleagues, peers, heads of department and Vice-Chancellors at your own institution
- start a Flying Less group at your own institution
- check for updates and sign the petition at Flyingless.org
- check for other resources including NoFlyClimateSci, Nearly Carbon Neutral Conferences and many more besides.

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