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Access and Participation at Postgraduate level: research findings and their implications for policy and practice

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Access and Participation at Postgraduate level: research findings and their implications for policy and practice
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Duration: 1:02:56 | Added: 13 Feb 2019
This seminar will review the evidence on access to postgraduate study, identify what this might mean for funders, universities and their communities, and outline outstanding gaps in our knowledge.

Participation in postgraduate study has increased considerably over the last quarter century. Despite this expansion, access to postgraduate study has received relatively little attention from researchers and policymakers. There are concerns that gains in undergraduate participation may be nullified by inequalities in postgraduate access. Postgraduates also comprise the future pool of academic workers. Recent policy attention has focused on loan funding for postgraduate courses – but has this had an impact? This seminar will review the evidence on access to postgraduate study, identify what this might mean for funders, universities and their communities, and outline outstanding gaps in our knowledge. The speakers will include, Paul Wakeling (Professor and Head of Department, Department of Education, University of York) and a response will be given by Paul Martin (Associate Head of Division (Education), Social Science Division, University of Oxford) and Mike Bonsall (Associate Head of Division (Education), Mathematical Physical and Life Sciences Division, University of Oxford). The Chair is Nick Brown (Principal of Linacre College).

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