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The Soul of the Machine: The multi-layered structure of a synthetic self

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The Soul of the Machine: The multi-layered structure of a synthetic self
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Duration: 0:33:11 | Added: 16 Nov 2015
Talk delivered at 2015 Cyberselves Symposium, with contributions from technologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, philosophers and cultural theorists looking at the future societal and ethical impacts of virtual reality and immersive technologies

Prof Verschure is an ICREA Research Professor in the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He works on biologically constrained models of perception, learning, behaviour and problem solving that are applied to wheeled and flying robots, interactive spaces and avatars. Prof Verschure's aim is to find a unified theory of mind, brain and body through the use of synthetic methods and to apply such a theory to the development of novel cognitive technologies. He has pioneered novel VR based augmented feedback systems that are applied to the rehabilitation of a number of pathologies including stroke, TBI and Alzheimer's disease.


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