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Parenting support Evidence, policy and practice

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Duration: 0:52:01 | Added: 28 Oct 2015
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Parenting support Evidence, policy and practice
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Duration: 0:52:01 | Added: 28 Oct 2015
Professor Geoff Lindsay, University of Warwick, gives a talk for the department of education public seminar series.

Abstract: 'In this talk I shall draw upon two large scale studies of parenting programmes to explore two issues: evidence for their effectiveness, and implications for policy and practice. The Parenting Early Intervention Programme (2006-11) examined targeted parenting programmes, aimed at parents of children exhibiting or at risk of behavioural difficulties; the CANparent trial (2012-14) explored the effectiveness of universal parenting classes aimed at all parents. Each was funded by the Department for Education but represented different policy agendas of Labour and Coalition governments respectively. Finally, I shall consider the implications for future policy and practice.'

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