A model to understand assessment practice in medicine
Assessment in medicine and the health professions includes theoretical and clinical (practical) assessments to determine student competency – their knowledge, skills and attitudes. Assessment is therefore of critical importance, because graduates are certified as ‘safe’ for public patient care. In this episode, Dr Nici Simms discusses a study exploring the assessment behaviours of clinician-educators, using a theoretical model called ‘Health Behaviour Theory.’ Nici explains some of the multitude of factors that influenced clinician educators’ assessment behaviours across three diverse contexts in the global South.
The Deanery Digest (a plain language summary) of this research can be viewed and downloaded here: https://www.education.ox.ac.uk/deanery-digest/a-model-to-understand-asse...
Nici’s Socials: Twitter @DanicaAnneSims @OxfordMMEd, LinkedIn Danica (Nici) Simms
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