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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Is there a ‘right’ approach to family philanthropy? A talk by Dr Ineke Koele at the Oxford Centre for the Study of Philanthropy, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford. David Gann, Ineke Koele 16 Nov 2015
2 Creative Commons Rich and poor: a cause for social unrest? at the Oxford Literary Festival 2015 John Kampfner and Katrine Marçal discuss the growing gap between rich and poor and its implications for society, chaired by Professor Ian Goldin. John Kampfner, Ian Goldin, Katrine Marcal 18 Aug 2015
3 "How Much is Enough? The Love of Money and the Case for the Good Life" Session 3 In this McDonald Centre conference, Robert and Edward Skidelsky debate their controversial book about work, wealth, and human well-being with Rowan Williams, Cecile Fabre, John Thanassoulis, and other theologians, philosophers, economists and journalists. Edwina Moreton, Diane Coyle, Donald Hay, Edmund Newell 16 Apr 2014
4 "How Much is Enough? The Love of Money and the Case for the Good Life" Session 2 In this McDonald Centre conference, Robert and Edward Skidelsky debate their controversial book about work, wealth, and human well-being with Rowan Williams, Cecile Fabre, John Thanassoulis, and other theologians, philosophers, economists and journalists. Robin Lovin, John Thanassoulis, David Vines, Rowan Williams 16 Apr 2014
5 "How Much is Enough? The Love of Money and the Case for the Good Life" Session 1 In this McDonald Centre conference, Robert and Edward Skidelsky debate their controversial book about work, wealth, and human well-being with Rowan Williams, Cecile Fabre, John Thanassoulis, and other theologians, philosophers, economists and journalists. Robert Skidelsky, Edward Skidelsky, Cecile Fabre, John Hughes 15 Apr 2014