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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons Gendered Aspects of Ukraine’s Displacement Crisis With war comes displacement. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine has forced millions to flee homes and rebuild elsewhere. What role does a women's agency play in navigating the complexities of displacement and building resilience? Daryna Dvornichenko, Tania Orlova, Jacqui Broadhead, Rob McNeil 14 Feb 2025
2 Creative Commons The work of the media during the Russian-Ukrainian war How the media in Ukraine transitioned to covering the war with the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion. Yaroslava Bukhta 12 May 2023
3 Creative Commons One year after Putin's invasion, how is Ukrainian journalism faring? In this episode we discuss the tremendous toll that Russia's full-scale invasion has had on journalists and the news media in the country. Olga Tokariuk, Mitali Mukherjee 14 Feb 2023
4 Digital News Report 2022. Episode 5: Perceptions of media coverage of the war in Ukraine In this episode we look at findings from our DNR22 about how people are engaging with news coverage of the war in Ukraine. Federica Cherubini, Kirsten Eddy 08 Jul 2022
5 Reflexive Control Theory: a Soviet perspective on influence and why it matters in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine Maria de Goeij provides a brilliant introduction to reflexive control theory, a Soviet theory of influence. Listen to learn more and appreciate how it can help us better understand today's world, including strategic decision making in hybrid warfare. Maria de Goeij 31 May 2022
6 Nation-Building in the Borderlands of a Borderland: A Cartographical Examination of the Russia-Ukraine War Dr Marnie Howlett presents an engaging and thought-provoking look at the cartographical causes and consequences of the war. She looks at Ukraine's position between East and West and the implications of its long history of shifting borders with Russia. Marnie Howlett 24 May 2022
7 Leaving Ukraine We discuss the war on Ukraine and the almost unprecedented speed and size of the movement of people fleeing the country. We discuss the displacement taking place, how refugees are being received in Europe, and the impact this will have on post-EU Britain. Roxana Barbulescu, Emma Rimpiläinen, Volodymyr Artiukh, Rob McNeil 23 Mar 2022
8 Creative Commons Russian Perceptions of Conflict with Discussion of War in Ukraine Mark Galeotti discusses Russian perceptions of war and conflict. The differences between what is considered "war" vs "conflict" and how this changes between the military and civilian security establishments. In addition, the war in Ukraine is discussed. Mark Galeotti 16 Mar 2022
9 Creative Commons Talking Ukraine with Olena Chervonik A conversation between Professor Geoffrey Batchen and Ukrainian-born art history doctoral student Olena Chervonik, focusing on the history and culture of Ukraine. Olena Chervonik, Geoff Batchen 10 Mar 2022
10 Misinformation and propaganda wars in Ukraine and Russia Maryana Drach, RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service director, and Gulmira Amangalieva, reporter at Freenews-Volga, Russia outine the threats to journalism in their countries. Maryana Drach, Gulmira Amangalieva 14 Feb 2020
11 Creative Commons How war is shaping the Ukrainian HIV epidemic: A phylogeographic analysis An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Tetyana Vasylyeva (Department of Zoology, University of Oxford) on 24 October 2018 Tetyana Vasylyeva 31 Jan 2019
12 FMR 55 - Repurposing shelter for displaced people in Ukraine Buildings in Ukraine are being repurposed to provide shelter for those fleeing conflict in the country but, as the war continues, the need for more permanent solutions must be acknowledged. Laura A Dean 13 Jul 2017
13 Creative Commons Challenging charisma: constructing grievance and the limits of legitimacy in post-Crimea Russia Samuel Greene talks about outbreak of protests in Russia and political events after the annexation of Crimea Samuel Greene, Paul Chaisty 04 Feb 2016
14 FMR 51 - Ukrainian asylum seekers and a Polish immigration paradox The recognition rate for Ukrainian asylum seekers in Poland remains at an extremely low level, with the concept of ‘internal flight alternative’ serving as the legal basis for rejection of many asylum applications. Marta Szczepanik, Ewelina Tylec 19 Dec 2015
15 The Presidential Toolbox in the Former Soviet Union Paul Chaisty (University of Oxford) gives the second talk at the workshop on Coalitional Presidentialism at the Federal Congress of Brazil, Brasília. Paul Chaisty 16 Dec 2015
16 Quo Vadis Ukraine: The Conflict and Beyond Panel discussion of the Ukraine reviewing the current situation, exploring the context of the conflict which broke out in 2014, assessing its impact on Europe, and identifying what the international community can learn and how it should respond. Lord Patten of Barnes, Jutta Edthofer, Gwendolyn Sasse, Michael Bociurkiw 28 Apr 2015
17 Creative Commons The Russian-Ukrainian War: Challenges for Military Policy in the Baltic State Dr Deividas Slekys (University of Vilnius), gives a talk for the Changing Character of War programme seminar series. Deividas Slekys 12 Jan 2015
18 Successful Constitutions - The Break-Up of Nations: The Constitutional Dimensions Using Ukraine as a Case Study Denis Galligan, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, gives a talk for Th Break-Up of Nations Roundtable discussion held at Wolfson College on 28th November 2014. Denis Galligan 02 Dec 2014
19 Constitution Making - The Break-Up of Nations: The Constitutional Dimensions Using Ukraine as a Case Study Bogdan Iancu, Professor of Political Science University of Bucharest gives a talk for The Break-Up of Nations Roundtable discussion held at Wolfson College on 28th November 2014. Bogdan Iancu 02 Dec 2014
20 Constitutional Instability : The Case of Central and Eastern Europe - The Break-Up of Nations: The Constitutional Dimensions Using Ukraine as a Case Study Daniel Smilov, Political Science Department, University of Sofia; and Programme Director, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia, gives a lecture at the The Break-Up of Nations Roundtable discussion, held at Wolfson College on 28th November 2014. Daniel Smilov 02 Dec 2014
21 Ukraine and its Place in the World 2014 Elliott Lecture, St Antony's College. Aleksander Kwasniewski, Javier Solana, Gwendolyn Sasse, Chris Patten 20 Mar 2014
22 Creative Commons Poland, Ukraine, and the Politics of History POMP Lecture by Timothy Snyder. Timothy Snyder 20 Mar 2014
23 Creative Commons THEMIS: What migration means: Recognising the diversity of practices embedded in cultures of migration Guri Tyldum presents his paper 'What migration means: Recognising the diversity of practices embedded in cultures of migration' in Parallel session II(D) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 Guri Tyldum 20 Jan 2014
24 Creative Commons THEMIS: Respondent-driven sampling as a recruitment method Jennifer Wu presents her paper 'Respondent-driven sampling as a recruitment method' co-authored by Rojan Ezzati, in Parallel session II(B) of the conference Examining Migration Dynamics: Networks and Beyond, 24-26 Sept 2013 Jennifer Wu 20 Jan 2014
25 Creative Commons Two opposed catholic nationalisms: Ukrainian Galicians in the Second Polish Republic (1923-1939) Dr Alessandro Milani (EHESS, Paris) gives a talk for the Cantemir Institute East and East-Central Europe seminar series. Alessandro Milani 13 Mar 2013