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Tibetan History

# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons How Tibetans Received and Perceived the Yuan Edicts: Some Preliminary Observations This lecture highlights Tibetan responses to the Mongol imperial bureaucratic practices during the 14th century Penghao Sun, Trawang 15 Feb 2023
2 Reading khrims Between the Lines: The Rise of Legality in 13th Century Central Tibet Daniel introduces us to the term khrims and looks at the “rise of legality” in 13th century Central Tibet. Daniel Wojahn 25 May 2021
3 Buddhism and the Rise of ‘the Tibetans’ (bod pa): Religion, Myth and the Promotion of Ethnicity in the Pre-modern Period Apropos 'the Tibetans': Reinier Langelaar's talk focuses on the mythical origins and the promotion of ethnicity in historical Tibet Reinier Langelaar 05 Nov 2020
4 The First Tibetan Block Print: The Khara-Khoto Collection of Precious Dhāraṇīs with the Emperor's Postscript Alla Sizova discusses the role of translation activities in the spread of Buddhism in the 12th century and outlines the extent of Tibetan influence on the Tangut culture. Alla A. Sizova 15 Oct 2020
5 The Mortality of the Dalai Lama and its Scriptural Sources: A Study in Tibetan Buddhist Political Theology I am currently focusing on the problem of the Dalai Lama’s mortality that is, the question of how to come to terms with his suffering and death, in light of the association between Tibetan kingship and the deity Avalokiteśvara. Ian MacCormack 21 May 2020