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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 The Science of Modelling Through Professor Dan Sarewitz delivered this seminar at the Institute for Science Innovation and Society on 4 March 2019 Daniel Sarewitz 08 Jul 2019
2 Creative Commons New economic and moral foundations for the Anthropocene Prof Beinhocker will argue that by changing the ideologies, narratives, and memes that govern our economic system, we can create the political space required to rapidly transform to a sustainable and just economic system. Eric Beinhocker 24 Jun 2019
3 The concept of culture in cultural evolution In his keynote speech for the Cultural Evolution Workshop (held in the Pitt Rivers Museum on 28 February 2017), Prof. Tim Lewens of Cambridge examines the concept of culture in cultural evolution. Tim Lewens 26 Jul 2017
4 Creative Commons The Evolution of Grand Strategy in Theory and Practice Lucas Milevski gives a talk for the Changing Character of War programme seminar series. Lucas Milevski 05 Jul 2016
5 Creative Commons The regularity theory of causation Hume's famously influential account of causation Marianne Talbot 09 Jun 2016
6 Creative Commons The counterfactual theory of causation The idea that event c causes event e if and only if had c not had occurred e would not have occurred either. Marianne Talbot 09 Jun 2016
7 Creative Commons Intercultural Literary Practices - Theorising Interculturality Dr. Birgit Kaiser (Utrecht), Prof. Peter McDonald (English), and Prof. Elleke Boehmer (English) Birgit Kaiser, Peter McDonald, Elleke Boehmer 20 Sep 2014
8 Creative Commons Reid and Common Sense Realism Part two of Professor Dan Robinson's examination of Reid's critique of David Hume. Dan Robinson 14 May 2014
9 Creative Commons 'Native Life', or, Being outside the carbon imagery Professor Elizabeth Povinelli of Columbia University examines contemporary scientific discussions of the Anthropocene and climate change and theoretical theories of New Vitalism, New Animism and Relational Ontology Elizabeth Povinelli 29 Apr 2014
10 Experimenting with field experiments: moving the lab into the field in ethnographic research In this Anthropology departmental seminar from 8 November 2013, Dimitris Xygalatas (Aarhus and Masaryk Universities) investigates ritual behaviour, bringing it into the lab, to work out why people put themselves through such ordeals Dimitris Xygalatas 03 Feb 2014
11 Provocations for digital anthropology (30 May 2013) David Zeitlyn discusses parallels between visual and digital anthropology and the dangers of historical myopia. It is too easy to disregard earlier parallels because of the mistaken claim that everything is new and different. David Zeitlyn 13 Nov 2013
12 Looking forward looking back (18 May 2013) Professor David Zeitlyn (University of Oxford) argues for a pluralisation of past, present and future. There are many unconnected or only partially connected literatures on time related issues. David Zeitlyn 13 Nov 2013
13 Tropes of Comparison Katrin Kohl on metaphors of comparison, Ami Li on temporality and interpretive contexts, Carole Bourne-Taylor on Michel Deguy. Katrin Kohl, Ami Li, Carole Bourne-Taylor 22 Oct 2013
14 Shaped by the Classics? Tania Demetriou on the non-existent classical epyllion; Helen Slaney on dilettante comparatists; Henriette Korthals Altes on dance and text; John McKeane on Sophocles, Holderlin and Lacoue-Labarthe. Tania Demetriou, Helen Slaney, Henriette Korthals Altes, John McKeane 22 Oct 2013
15 Dealing with Frustration - Order in Disorder Magnetic particles can get frustrated in their interactions with other particles because of lattice geometry. Lots of new and exciting physics is involved in understanding how they deal with their frustration. Zhiming Darren Tan 04 Jun 2013
16 Creative Commons DH Lawrence: A Postcolonial Writer? Professor Peter McDonald draws on the work of Indian novelist and literary critic, Amit Chaudhuri, to open up new ways of how we can think about D.H. Lawrence, not only as a Modernist, but also as a Post/Colonial writer. Peter McDonald 28 Aug 2012
17 Creative Commons From Argument to Experiment Dr Christopher Palmer on the historical ties between physics and philosophy - from ancient philosophical thought through to the scientific revolution and the pioneers of modern physics. Christopher Palmer, Ankita Anirban 30 Jul 2012
18 Creative Commons Quantum Paradoxes Prof. Vlatko Vedral on the mind-boggling and paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics and its consequences on modern technology - the possibilities of superfast computing and teleportation. Vlatko Vedral, Ankita Anirban 30 Jul 2012
19 Creative Commons Parallel Worlds Dr. David Wallace on the many-worlds theory, an explanation of the baffling results that quantum mechanics provides us with - and that there may be more worlds than just our own. David Wallace, Ankita Anirban 30 Jul 2012
20 Creative Commons Reading List for Bioethics: An Introduction Reading List to accompany the Bioethics: An Introduction podcast series. Marianne Talbot 30 May 2012
21 Creative Commons Common moral arguments: 'morality? It's all a matter of opinion' Final of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
22 Creative Commons Common moral arguments: 'it's too risky' (the Precautionary Principle) Eighth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
23 Creative Commons Common moral arguments: 'it's not natural' and 'it's disgusting' Seventh of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
24 Creative Commons Induction Sixth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
25 Creative Commons Deduction Fifth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
26 Creative Commons Arguments Fourth of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
27 Creative Commons Utilitarianism Third of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
28 Creative Commons Deontology Second of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
29 Creative Commons Virtue Ethics First of nine short introductory podcasts on Bioethics by Marianne Talbot. Marianne Talbot 29 May 2012
30 Don't throw the baby out with the bathos. Anthropology Departmental Seminar: In this Anthropology Departmental Seminar, Stephen Reyna (MPI-Halle) discussed 'regimes of truth in an anthropology of hypocrisy' (25 February 2011). Stephen Reyna 10 May 2012
31 Medical Anthropology at Oxford: Oxford's 'Two Bodies' in Medical Anthropology This presentation by Dr Caroline Potter (ISCA, Oxford) focuses on how Oxford's Medicial Anthropology bridges the biological and social divide. It was delivered at the 10 Years at the Intersections conference in June 2011. Caroline Potter 25 Jul 2011
32 Dept Seminar: Forms of detachment and ethical regard In this Anthropology dept seminar (29 October 2010), Dr James Laidlaw (University of Cambridge) focuses on forms of detachment in North India, including the role of the anthropologist as observer. James Laidlaw 21 Feb 2011
33 Wahidin on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Azrini Wahidin speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Azrini Wahidin 09 Aug 2010
34 Creative Commons Taylor on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Stephanie Taylor speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Stephanie Taylor 09 Aug 2010
35 Creative Commons Shabazz on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Rashad Shabazz speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Rashad Shabazz 09 Aug 2010
36 McGrath on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Dara McGrath speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Dara McGrath 09 Aug 2010
37 Creative Commons McAuley on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Mary McAuley speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Mary McAuley 09 Aug 2010
38 Creative Commons Hutchings on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Stephen Hutchings speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Stephen Hutchings 09 Aug 2010
39 Creative Commons Hall on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Alex Hall speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Alex Hall 09 Aug 2010
40 Creative Commons Codd on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Helen Codd speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Helen Codd 09 Aug 2010
41 Carrabine on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Eamonn Carrabine speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Eamonn Carrabine 09 Aug 2010
42 Creative Commons Armstrong on Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective Sarah Armstrong speaks at the Gender, Geography and Punishment in Comparative Perspective workshop hosted by the Centre for Criminology and School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 22-23 June 2010. Sarah Armstrong 09 Aug 2010