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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Body Arts: Travelling Ink Through conversations with leading tattooists from around the world, this film explores the artistry, philosophy, meaning and history of tattooing at the site of the 2010 London Tattoo Convention. Udi Mandel Butler, Alan Mandel 15 Aug 2011
2 Body Arts: Kakau and Batok Talk: Tattoos from Hawaii and the Philippines At the conclusion of her fieldwork in the mountains of northern Luzon in the Philippines, anthropologist Analyn Salvador-Amore filmed an encounter with Hawaiian tattoo practitioner Keone Nunes and a Butbut tattoo practitioner Whang-ud. Analyn Salvador-Amore 15 Aug 2011
3 Body Arts: Bodies Beautiful Four women from Oxford take a course in film-making with local film-maker Sharon Woodward from Oxford Film and Video Makers. They explore the changing cultural meaning of body decoration in British society. Rosalind Miles, Sara Parsons, Cait Sweeney, Louise Webster 15 Aug 2011
4 Body Arts: What is Body Art? Sixth-form artists from Cheney School search out the decorated and opinionated residents of Oxford to get their views on Body Art. Pitt Rivers Museum 15 Aug 2011
5 Facial tattooing among Drung women in Southwest China Facial tattooing is essentially a transition to what is and ought to be a woman. Gender performativity is associated with the materiality of the body: it is in fact the tattoo that makes a woman. Stéphane Gros 12 Apr 2010