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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Can we be green AND capitalist? In this episode we ask; can we be green AND capitalist? Peter Millican, Ben Caldecott, Thomas Hale, Charmain Love 28 Nov 2019
2 Marxism Host Aled Walker and guests Cameron J. Quinn and Xavier Cohen discuss the life, the work, and the legacy of Karl Marx. Aled Walker, Cameron J Quinn, Xavier Cohen 29 Jun 2016
3 Creative Commons Chinese Reform in Light of James Meade's Liberal Socialism. Zhiyuan Cui (Tsinghua University) gives the Chun-tu Hsueh Distinguished Lecture 2014. Zhiyuan Cui 17 Dec 2014
4 Associationism, Pluralism and Postliberalism: the theopolitical legacy of David Nicholls and current British politics 2014 David Nicholls Memorial Lecture, given by Professor John Milbank, University of Nottingham John Milbank 05 Nov 2014
5 Creative Commons (In)formal Economies, Economies of Favour: The End of Transition? Dr John Round, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Birmingham and Higher School of Economics, Moscow and Dr Nicolette Makovicky, Departmental Lecturer in Russian and East European Studies give a talk for the FLJS Series John Round, Nicolette Makovicky 25 Mar 2014
6 Creative Commons From Attlee to Miliband: Can Labour and Unions Face the Future? This year's University College Clement Attlee Memorial Lecture will be given by Frances O'Grady, General Secretary of the TUC. Frances O'Grady 30 Apr 2013
7 Richard Doll: his revolutionary life Conrad Keating, biographer of Richard Doll, lectures on the life of the cancer epidemiologist and lifelong socialist who contributed much to our understanding of the effects of smoking and changed the way we regard smoking and public health. Conrad Keating 28 Apr 2009
8 From Communism to Zionism: Moses Hess (1957) 1957 Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture. Lecture on the Jewish philosopher Moses Hess, one of the founders of Zionism and a committed Socialist. Berlin also discusses Hess’s evolution as a philosopher, from International Socialism to Zionism. Isaiah Berlin 15 Apr 2009