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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 'Why would anyone hesitate to help kids with cancer?' or: understanding competing perspectives on innovations 'Homebound' students are unable to attend school for health-related reasons. To lessen their predicament, schools have begun experimenting with 'telepresence robots' for remote participation. Lars Johannessen 04 Nov 2021
2 Strachey Lecture: Doing for our robots what evolution did for us Professor Leslie Kaelbling (MIT) gives the 2019 Stachey lecture. The Strachey Lectures are generously supported by OxFORD Asset Management. Leslie Kaelbling 29 Mar 2019
3 How do you teach a robot social cues? As robots are increasingly deployed in settings requiring social interaction we asked the Big Question: How do you teach a robot social cues? To find out we visited Shimon Whiteson, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science Shimon Whiteson 19 Jun 2018
4 What Does it Mean to be Human in the Digital Age? A librarian, literary scholar, museum director and digital commentator explore how the digital age has shaped, and will continue to shape, the human experience and the humanities Lynne Brindley, Tom Chatfield, Chris Fletcher, Diane Lees 22 Jan 2016
5 Where are the robots? Where are the robots we seem to have been promised since the 1950s? What is the hold up? Are we nearly there now? For example, will cars be driving themselves soon? Paul Newman 15 Mar 2013
6 Creative Commons Robotic Planetary Exploration Leigh Fletcher shows how we can use robots to discover more about the planets. Leigh Fletcher 30 Jan 2013
7 Creating Cyborgs Professor Kevin Warwick from Reading University talks about his innovative research in the area of robotics and cyborgs. Kevin Warwick 08 Feb 2012
8 Why Should Robots Play Football? Dr Stephen Cameron (Department of Computer Science) explains why thousands of people from across the world are busy trying to teach robots to play football. Stephen Cameron 03 Feb 2012
9 Why Robots Play Football Stephen Cameron gives a talk for the 2011 Oxford Alumni Weekend on robotics and new technological advances in the field. Stephen Cameron 03 Oct 2011
10 RoboCup Dr. Steven Cameron takes us on a trip to RoboCup. Tiny players roll across the pitch, others lumber unsteadily or roll by. The goals keep coming but the players never tire. It's football, but not as we know it. Say hello to the future of sport. Steven Cameron 21 Dec 2009