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Two Concepts of Emergence |
Timothy O'Connor (Indiana) gives a talk for the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies podcast series. |
Tim O'Connor |
07 May 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
Processes and Powers |
John Dupré (Exeter) gives a talk for the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies podcast series |
John Dupré |
07 May 2014 |
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Powers: Necessity and Neighbourhoods |
Neil Williams (Buffalo University) gives a talk for the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies podcast series |
Neil Williams |
07 May 2014 |
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Causal Production as Interaction: a Causal Account of Persistence and Grounding |
Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (Lund University) gives a talk for the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies podcast series |
Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson |
07 May 2014 |
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Creative Commons |
Pluralism and Determinism |
Thomas Sattig (Tübingen) gives a talk for the Power Structualism in Ancient Ontologies series. |
Thomas Sattig |
18 Feb 2014 |
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Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry at Oxford: a guide for prospective undergraduate students |
This light-hearted talk gives you the chance to hear three admissions tutors discuss what you can expect from their courses, and what the tutors are looking for when they select students. |
Martin Speight, Mark Wormald, Nick Green |
04 Mar 2013 |
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Creative Commons |
The Metaphysics of Rovelli's Relational Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics |
Mauro Dorato (University of Rome) gives a talk for the Metaphysics of Relations Conference, held on 3rd-5th October 2012 in University of London. |
Mauro Dorato |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Causal Relations |
John Heil (Washington University in St. Louis) gives a talk for the Metaphysics of Relations Conference, held on 3rd-5th October 2012 in University of London. |
John Heil |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
External Relations, Causal Coincidence and Contingency |
Peter Simons (Trinity College Dublin) gives a talk for the Metaphysics of Relations Conference, held on 3rd-5th October 2012 in University of London. |
Peter Simons |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Relations All The Way Down? |
Stephen Mumford (Nottingham University) gives a talk for the Metaphysics of Relations Conference, held on 3rd-5th October 2012 in University of London. Co-written by Sebastian Briceno. |
Stephen Mumford |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Positionalism Revisited |
Maureen Donnelly (SUNY at Buffalo) gives a talk for the Metaphysics of Relations Conference, held on 3rd-5th October 2012 in University of London. |
Maureen Donnelly |
12 Dec 2012 |
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There Are (Probably) No Relations |
Jonathan Lowe (University of Durham) gives a talk for the Metaphysics of Relations Conference, held on 3rd-5th October 2012 in University of London. |
Jonathan Lowe |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Galen and the Ontology of Powers |
Jim Hankinson (University of Texas at Austin) gives a talk for the Causing Health and Disease: Medical Powers in Classical and Late Antiquit conference, held at Corpus Christi College on 21st-22 September 2012. |
Jim Hankinson |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Immanent Intelligence and the Natural Faculties in Galen |
Brooke Holmes (Princeton University) gives a talk for the Causing Health and Disease: Medical Powers in Classical and Late Antiquit conference, held at Corpus Christi College on 21st-22 September 2012. |
Brooke Holmes |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
On Weakness/Strength and Sickness/Health in Ancient Daoist Philosophy |
Hans-Georg Moeller (University College Cork), gives a talk for the Causing Health and Disease: Medical Powers in Classical and Late Antiquit conference, held at Corpus Christi College on 21st-22 September 2012. |
Hans-Georg Moeller |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Causing Health and Disease: Medical Powers in Classical and Late Antiquity |
Philip van der Ejik gives a talk for the Causing Health and Disease: Medical Powers in Classical and Late Antiquit conference, held at Corpus Christi College on 21st-22 September 2012. |
Philip van der Ejik |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
A Determinable-based Account of Metaphysical Indeterminacy |
Jessica Wilson (University of Toronto) gives a talk for the Metaphysics of Relations Conference, held at Senate House, University of London on 3rd-5th October 2012. |
Jessica Wilson |
12 Dec 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
A Platonic Theory of Truthmaking |
Berman (St Louis Univ.) lays out and defends a platonic explanation of non-modal and modal truths using Forms as their truthmakers. He argues that this platonic theory is parsimonious, naturalistic, and ontologically serious. |
Scott Berman |
06 Mar 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Objective and Subjective Powers and Dispositions |
Kistler (Sorbonne) introduces a distinction between powers and dispositions: A 'multi-track disposition' manifests itself in different ways Mi in different triggering circumstances Ti. |
Max Kistler |
06 Mar 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Limitations of Power |
Bird (Bristol) warns against overextending the case for a powers ontology, arguing that it cannot answer typical questions outside fundamental metaphysics, for example concerning the analysis of causal statements. |
Alexander Bird |
15 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Mutual Manifestations and Martin's Two Triangles |
Mumford (Nottingham) argues that although superior to a stimulus-response model, Martin's mutual manifestation model must be amended to resemble less mereological composition and more causation. |
Stephen Mumford |
15 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Identity, Individuality and Discernibility |
Ladyman (Bristol) explains the recent debates about the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles and results about weak discernibility. He considers their implications for structuralism and the light they shed on ontological dependence. |
James Ladyman |
15 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Relational vs. Constituent Ontologies |
Van Inwagen (Notre Dame) argues that relational ontologies (denying properties can be constituents of particulars) are preferable to constituent ontologies (holding properties are constituents of the particulars that have them). |
Peter Van Inwagen |
15 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
Is causation a relation? |
Jacobs (St. Louis Univ.) explores the view that between a substance and its power, on one hand, and the result of the substance manifesting its power, there is no relation at all. Thus, causal, relational truths have non-relational ontological grounds. |
Jonathan Jacobs |
15 Feb 2012 |
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Creative Commons |
1.1 An Introduction to General Philosophy |
Part 1.1. Outlines the General Philosophy course, the various topics that will be discussed, and also, more importantly, the philosophical method that this course introduces to students. |
Peter Millican |
19 Feb 2010 |