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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons 'All the money I raised, I raised from Ghana': Understanding reverse remittance practice among Ghanaian migrants in the UK and their relatives in Ghana In the context of Ghanaians in the UK, Geraldine Adiku explores how migrant remittance practices are not only from 'developed' to 'developing' country; many are sent in the reverse direction, a fact largely ignored by scholarship on the topic Geraldine Adiku 09 Mar 2017
2 The micro-politics of mobility and immobility Jørgen Carling looks at the politics of the individual and the role of power relations in mobility and immobility Jørgen Carling 18 Mar 2016
3 Creative Commons Migration, politics and political change: Introduction to the seminar series and preliminary TRANSMIC findings Ali Chaudhary and Marieke van Houte introduce the seminar series on migration, politics and political change and their TRANSMIC project, examining the links between migration, citizenship, and migration and development Ali R Chaudhary, Marieke van Houte 27 Jan 2016
4 Creative Commons The Neoliberal Construction of Modern Slavery: The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers Judy Fudge, Professor of Law, Kent Law School, University of Kent examines Modern Slavery as a causal effect of the emphasis on human trafficking, anti-immigration and criminal law rather than employment law for migrant domestic workers. Judy Fudge 11 Dec 2015
5 Creative Commons Neoliberalism Workshop: Contradictions in liberal reforms: The regulation of labour subcontracting Guy Mundlak, Professor at The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, gives a talk for the Neoliberalism workshop. Guy Mundlak 11 Dec 2015
6 Creative Commons Trinity seminar series 2015: Remaining 'attached strangers': Encounters, relationships and the future of African migrants in China Remaining 'attached strangers': Encounters, relationships and the future of African migrants in China, presented by Linessa Dan Lin Linessa Dan Lin 04 Jun 2015
7 From banlieue youth to undocumented migrant: Illegalized foreign-nationals in penal institutions and public space Carolina Sanchez Boe (Aarhus University) Carolina Sanchez Boe 31 Mar 2014