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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 The Beauty of Flavour - Latest results from the LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider Physics Colloquium 3 February 2017 delivered by Professor Val Gibson, Cambridge Val Gibson 05 Apr 2017
2 The Future of Particle Physics: The Particle Physics Christmas Lecture Professor John Womersley (STFC) gives the Particle Physics Christmas Lecture. John Womersley 07 Mar 2017
3 How computers have changed the way we do physics - Breaking through the quantum barrier The power of available computers has now grown exponentially for many decades. The ability to discover numerically the implications of equations and models has opened our eyes to previously hidden aspects of physics. Thorsten Wahl 11 Feb 2016
4 Plasma tamed, fusion power and the theoretical challenge Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. Steven Cowley 24 Mar 2015
5 Creative Commons Turbulence: Plasma Unleashed Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. Alexander Schekochihin 24 Mar 2015
6 Plasma: what it is, how to make it and how to hold it Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. Felix Parra-Diaz 24 Mar 2015
7 Plasma Tamed, Fusion Power and the Theoretical Challenge Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy. Steve Cowley 29 Jan 2015
8 Plasma: What It Is, How To Make It and How To Hold It Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy Felix Parra-Diaz 15 Dec 2014
9 Creative Commons Turbulence: Plasma Unleashed Members of the Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics hosted the 4th morning of Theoretical Physics covering the subject of Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy Alexander Schekochihin 15 Dec 2014
10 Dark Matter - Are we still in the dark? Kathryn Boast gives a talk about dark matter: what it is, what we know about it, and what the limitations of our knowledge are. Kathryn Boast 28 Jan 2014
11 Creative Commons Space and Time Prof. Frank Arntzenius on whether space and time are absolute entities or simply relational properties derived from the idea of motion - an old debate between Newton and Leibniz, carried on today. Frank Arntzenius, Ankita Anirban 30 Jul 2012