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low carbon

# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Can Future Energy Needs be Met Sustainably? This Alumni Weekend panel discusses future energy needs and steps that must be taken to increase the chance that they can be met sustainably. Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, Juliet Davenport, Jan Dusik, Graham van't Hoff 28 Apr 2015
2 Creative Commons Sparks Symposium: Interdisciplinary Research, Communication and Dissemination Part two Why Social Scientists Should Engage with Natural Scientists With Philip Lowe, Newcastle University. The aim of the symposium is to offer advice, training, tools and best practices to participants undertaking or considering interdisciplinary energy research. Philip Lowe 22 May 2013
3 Creative Commons Sparks Symposium: Interdisciplinary Research, Communication and Dissemination Part one Assessing Interdisciplinary Research With Catherine Lyall, University of Edinburgh, The aim of the symposium is to offer advice, training, tools and best practices to participants undertaking or considering interdisciplinary energy research. Catherine Lyall 22 May 2013
4 Low Carbon Heat: Research Gaps and Opportunities: Part two IEA Heat Research With Robin Wiltshire, BRE. A two-day UKERC Meeting Place event to bring together experts from academia, consultancy and industry to discuss low carbon heat. Robin Wiltshire 22 May 2013
5 Creative Commons Low Carbon Heat: Research Gaps and Opportunities: Part one Heat and the City With Jan Webb, University of Edinburgh. A two-day UKERC Meeting Place event to bring together experts from academia, consultancy and industry to discuss low carbon heat. Jan Webb 22 May 2013
6 Creative Commons The Future of the UK Gas Network: Part two Scenarios for the future of the network With Paul Dodds, UCL. The purpose of this talk is to To examine research and policy issues surrounding the future of the UK gas network from a range of perspectives, including government, industry and academia. Paul Dodds 22 May 2013
7 Creative Commons The Future of the UK Gas Network: Part one The UK Energy Research Centre With Jim Watson, UKERC. The purpose of this talk is to examine research and policy issues surrounding the future of the UK gas network from a range of perspectives, including government, industry and academia. Jim Watson 22 May 2013
8 Creative Commons SPLiCE: Sustainable Pathways to Low Carbon Energy (Scoping Workshop) Part Two National Ecosystem Assessment To scope out an ambitious research programme (SPLiCE) that would identify how the transition to a low carbon energy system can be made in a sustainable way. With Ian Bateman, UEA. Ian Bateman 22 May 2013
9 Creative Commons SPLiCE: Sustainable Pathways to Low Carbon Energy (Scoping Workshop) Part 1: Legal and Energy Policy Context To scope out an ambitious research programme (SPLiCE) that would identify how the transition to a low carbon energy system can be made in a sustainable way. With Tom Bain (DECC). Tom Bain 22 May 2013
10 Oxford at Said Seminar: Energy In this seminar three Oxford academics explore the role of energy demand in a low carbon future, fusion and solar energy. Nick Eyre, Steven Cowley, Henry Snaith 04 Jul 2011