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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 ALMA and the Birth of Stars Across Galaxies The 2018 Astor Visiting Lecture 14th March 2018 delivered by Professor Adam Leroy, Ohio State University. Adam Leroy 28 Mar 2018
2 Redder is better! Exploring the universe with the successor to Hubble Rebecca Bowler, University of Oxford give a talk about the successor to the Hubble telescope - The James Webb Space Telescope - which will detect infrared radiation. Rebecca Bowler 28 Mar 2017
3 Dark Matter and Architecture in Science In the second edition of Inside Oxford Science Pedro explores dark matter and cosmic voids whilst Marcus leads a debate on whether great architecture can inspire great science. Marcus du Sautoy, Irene Tracey, Chris Lintott, Pedro Ferreira 14 Apr 2009
4 Telescopes Now Lecture 1: The William Herschel and the Hubble telescopes In the first in a series of lectures by senior astronomers about recent developments in telescopes, Professor Alexander Boksenberg talks about his work with the William Herschel and the Hubble telescopes. Alexander Boksenberg 03 Mar 2009