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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons Governing Climate Change After Copenhagen Ngaire Woods chairs a panel discussion looking into the political, economic and environmental consequences of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference last year. Ngaire Woods, Sir David King, Cameron Hepburn 12 Apr 2010
2 Creative Commons Laurence Whitehead; Haiti after the Earthquake Laurence Whitehead talks about the extent of the damage done in Haiti by the earthquake of last year and how the people of Haiti are coping with living after the disaster. Laurence Whitehead 09 Apr 2010
3 Creative Commons John Mitchell; NGO's and humanitarian aid John Mitchell talks about the NGOs and humanitarian organisations work and how they have been working to help Haiti after the earthquake disaster. John Mitchell 09 Apr 2010
4 Creative Commons Paul Sherlock; Oxfam's response to the Haitian Earthquake Paul Sherlock gives his presentation for the event; 'The International Community's Response to Haiti'. Paul Sherlock 09 Apr 2010
5 Creative Commons Ngaire Woods, introduction to the International Community's Response to Haiti Ngaire Woods talks about the international community's humanitarian response to the Haitian Earthquake. Part of a series of presentations entitled 'The International Community's Response to Haiti'. Ngaire Woods 09 Apr 2010
6 Creative Commons Globalisation and the Financial Crisis - Summary Final part of the podcast series, summarising what was discussed in the series, including what globalisation is, what caused the current financial crisis, what it means for developing countries and what can governments do to ensure it doesn't happen again Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen 17 Dec 2009
7 Creative Commons What does the Financial Crisis mean for Developing Countries? Where does the credit crunch leave developing countries? In this podcast, Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Wharton discuss the impact of the current financial crisis on the developing world and the G20's responsibility towards developing countries. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen 17 Dec 2009
8 Creative Commons Credit Crunch Global recession why/when/what? Ngaire Woods, Jeni Wharton and Christina Ward discuss why institutions are pushing toward greater financial regulations in order to prevent another global recession. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen 17 Dec 2009
9 Creative Commons History of Key Institutions IMF/World Bank/G8/G20 - What Why When? Ngaire Woods, Jeni Whalen and Christina Ward discuss some of the key institutions and groups who are responding to the financial crisis. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen 17 Dec 2009
10 Creative Commons Global Governance and Regulation - why? In this podcast, Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen discuss the causes of the current recession and asks why governments, financial regulators and banks failed to act responsibly and how we can act now to prevent the next financial crisis. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen 17 Dec 2009
11 Creative Commons Globalisation and the effect on economies Second part of the Globalisation and the financial crisis series. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward and Jeni Whalen discuss what Globalisation is and how governments around the world have adapted to it. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen 17 Dec 2009
12 Creative Commons Introduction to globalisation and the current financial crisis Ngaire Woods introduces the podcast series on globalisation and is place in the current financial crisis - outlining some of the questions they will be discussing. Ngaire Woods, Christina Ward, Jeni Whalen 17 Dec 2009