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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 200 years of fun and games Richard Ballam talks about the rich collections of games and pastimes he has recently donated to the Bodleian, the subject of the display Playing with History. Richard Ballam 29 Jan 2016
2 Creative Commons Mapping Digital Pathways to Enhance Visitor Experience Jessica Suess, University of Oxford Museums and Anjanesh Babu, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, give a talk for the DHOXSS 2015. Jessica Suess, Anjanesh Babu 10 Aug 2015
3 Party games: coalitions in British politics History - Professor Angus Hawkins Angus Hawkins 15 Apr 2015
4 Symmetry: a talk based on his second book, Finding Moonshine - Marcus du Sautoy Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk about symmetry and how the rules of symmetry influences our lives and the choices we make. Marcus du Sautoy 14 Jan 2014
5 Olympic Torch Visit The London 2012 Olympic Torch comes to Oxford's legendary Iffley Road stadium, where the four-minute mile was first run. Roger Bannister, Steph Cook, Nikki Emerson, Nicola Byrom 13 Jul 2012
6 Why Should Robots Play Football? Dr Stephen Cameron (Department of Computer Science) explains why thousands of people from across the world are busy trying to teach robots to play football. Stephen Cameron 03 Feb 2012
7 Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Internet Games, Social Inequality and Racist Talk as Griefing This talk recaps the history of racist griefing online and link the current crisis in racial discourse in the US with this practice, exploring the implications for digital games as a transnational public sphere. Lisa Nakamura 20 Jul 2010