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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 A Good Science Read: Evolution - from Fossils to Finches Professor Paul Smith and Professor Frances Ashcroft discuss Wonderful Life by Stephen Jay Gould and The Beak of the Finch by Jonathan Weiner. Frances Ashcroft, Paul Smith 16 Apr 2024
2 Ecology - Chapter 10 Learn the key concepts in ecology and what makes populations change over time, with Professor Lindsay Turnbull from the University of Oxford Lindsay Turnbull 01 Dec 2023
3 Plants - Chapter 9 Plants are awesome, with photosynthesis being the most disruptive invention ever! Join Professor Lindsay Turnbull from the University of Oxford to understand why Lindsay Turnbull 01 Dec 2023
4 Vertebrates - Chapter 8 Take a guided tour of the biology and ancestry of the vertebrates with Professor Lindsay Turnbull from the University of Oxford Lindsay Turnbull 01 Dec 2023
5 Animals - Chapter 7 Take a whistle-stop tour of the Animal Kingdom with Professor Lindsay Turnbull from the University of Oxford Lindsay Turnbull 01 Dec 2023
6 Bacteria - Chapter 5 Learn about the microbiome, the amazing flexibility of bacteria, and why we have an antibiotic resistance crisis with Professor Lindsay Turnbull from the University of Oxford Lindsey Turnbull 01 Dec 2023
7 Evolution - Chapter 2 Learn the theory of evolution in a simpler, more intuitive way than ever before with Professor Lindsay Turnbull from the University of Oxford Lindsay Turnbull 01 Dec 2023
8 Information in Cells - Chapter 1 Learn how cells use the information in DNA and the key components that make up a cell, with Professor Lindsay Turnbull from the University of Oxford Lindsey Turnbull 01 Dec 2023
9 Creative Commons Nutritional Anthropology Stanley Ulijaszek discusses human dietary evolution, dietary flexibility and present day undernutrition and infection Stanley Ulijaszek, Jacob Evans 02 Oct 2023
10 Creative Commons How planetary iron shaped life on Earth Two researchers working in very different areas; planetary formation and immunity. At a chance meeting they realised they had a shared interest, iron. Their new cross-disciplinary paper unravels the importance of iron availability in the evolution of life Alexander Hal Drakesmith, Jon Wade, Catherine Seed 31 Jan 2023
11 Biodiversity on the rocks: joining the dots between animate and inanimate This podcast explores some of the countless relationships between biology, biodiversity, and geology, past and present. Elaine Charwat, Esteban Acevedo Trejos, Mark Carnall, Lita Manners 31 Aug 2022
12 Episode 5 – Babylon: Natural Theology versus Scientific Naturalism When Museum opened in 1860, a new secular approach to science was on the rise. In the final episode of Temple of Science we see how ‘natural theology’ responded to the challenges of Charles Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection. John Holmes 01 Oct 2020
13 The Legal Evolution of the Climate Change Regime: Past, Present, and Future What have been the key themes in the legal evolution of the UN climate regime? Daniel Bodansky 31 Oct 2019
14 Creative Commons Food insecurity of fatness: from evolutionary ecology to social science This Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar was presented by Professor Daniel Nettle (Newcastle University) on 16 January 2019 Daniel Nettle 08 Jul 2019
15 Is female health cyclical? Evolutionary perspectives on menstruation Alex Alvergne (Oxford) delivered this seminar on 6 March 2019 as part of the Primate Conversations seminar series Alexandra Alvergne 08 Jul 2019
16 Creative Commons Why are men muscular? Reproductive, hormonal, and ecological hypotheses to explain variation in human male muscularity within populations of Bangladeshi and British men An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Kesson Magid (Department of Anthropology, University of Durham) on 7 November 2018 Kesson Magid 31 Jan 2019
17 Life history, parental investment and health of Agta foragers An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Abigail Page (Department of Anthropology, University College London) on 14 November 2018 Abigail Page 31 Jan 2019
18 Creative Commons Telomeres as integrative markers of exposure to stress and adversity: A systematic review and meta-analysis An Evolutionary Medicine and Public Health seminar presented by Dr Gillian Pepper (Centre for Behaviour and Evolution, University of Newcastle) on 28 November 2018 Gillian Pepper 31 Jan 2019
19 Creative Commons The developmental origins of health and disease: adaptation reconsidered Ian Rickard (Durham) places the origins of the science of health and disease within a framework of evolutionary theory and a medical anthropology perspective (18 January 2016) Ian Rickard 08 Jun 2016
20 Creative Commons Obstructed labour: the classic obstetric dilemma and beyond Emma Pomeroy (Cambridge) places obstructed labour within an evolutionary perspective. A medical anthropology seminar given on 15 February 2016. Emma Pomeroy 08 Jun 2016
21 Inflammaging and its role in ageing and age-related diseases Cristina Giuliani (Bologna) places inflammaging, and genetics, within an evolutionary perspective. A medical anthropology seminar given on 1 February 2016. Cristina Giuliani 08 Jun 2016
22 Creative Commons Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Charlotte K. Russell (Parent-Infant Sleep Lab, Durham) looks at how evolutionary anthropology and cross-cultural perspectives can have a huge impact on specific healthcare issues such as SIDS (22 February 2016) Charlotte K. Russell 08 Jun 2016
23 The dawn of Darwinian critical care medicine James G. Morgan (Dept of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Leeds General Infirmary) discusses how an evolutionary approach can help one understand medicine, such as adaptive defence mechanisms in the body (8 February 2016) James G. Morgan 08 Jun 2016
24 Creative Commons Maternal capital and offspring development Jonathan Wells (UCL Institute of Child Health) presents an intergenerational perspective on the development origins of health and disease. A medical anthropology seminar given on 29 February 2016. Jonathan Wells 08 Jun 2016
25 Evolutionary origins of technological behaviour: a primate archaeology approach to chimpanzees An Anthropology Departmental seminar presented by Susana Carvalha (Oxford) on the archaeological sites of non-humans, 27 November 2015 Susana Carvalho 14 Mar 2016
26 Creative Commons The Evolution of the Genome Computational and stastistical methods help us understand evolution as well as genetic disease. Gerton Lunter 02 Dec 2015
27 Creative Commons The Evolution of the Genome Computational and stastistical methods help us understand evolution as well as genetic disease. Gerton Lunter 02 Dec 2015
28 What can dinosaurs tell us about evolution? Fossil records tell us a lot about evolution around the time of dinosaurs Roger Benson 11 Jun 2015
29 Suffering History: Phenomenology at the Intersection of Disease and Illness A presentation by Austin Argentieri. Austin Argentieri 10 Jun 2015
30 The Avian Genome Explosion The ASC Trinity Term Lecture delivered by Professor Tom Gilbert, exploring the analysis of bird genomes and evolution. Tom Gilbert 27 May 2015
31 Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett An interdisciplinary discussion of Kirsten Shepherd-Barr's book Kirsten Shepherd-Barr, Michael Billington, Morten Kringlebach, Laura Marcus 20 May 2015
32 Nature, Nurture or Neither: The View from the Genes The first in our lecture series for Michaelmas Term 2014, given in the JCR at Mansfield College by Professor Stephen Jones -- Emeritus Professor of Genetics, University College London; author of various books on genetics and evolution. Stephen Jones 03 Feb 2015
33 "Hidden Worlds" Part 3 - The virtual universe Dr Andrew Pontzen explains how chains of computers can be set up to simulate billions of years of development of the universe, but in a time period of weeks. Andrew Ponzen, Chris Lintott 05 Jan 2015
34 A Physicist’s View of the Emergence of Terrestrial Vertebrates Physics Colloquium 7th November 2014. Delivered by Professor Steve Balbus, Savilian Professor of Astronomy, Head of Astrophysics, University of Oxford. Steve Balbus 01 Dec 2014
35 Water, human evolution and diet This public lecture on the role of water in human evolution took place at Somerset House in London as part of its 'Month of Water'. 17 June 2014. Stanley Ulijaszek 02 Oct 2014
36 Creative Commons 'Native Life', or, Being outside the carbon imagery Professor Elizabeth Povinelli of Columbia University examines contemporary scientific discussions of the Anthropocene and climate change and theoretical theories of New Vitalism, New Animism and Relational Ontology Elizabeth Povinelli 29 Apr 2014
37 Symmetry: a talk based on his second book, Finding Moonshine - Marcus du Sautoy Professor Marcus du Sautoy (New College), Charles Simonyi Chair in the Public Understanding of Science, author and broadcaster gives a talk about symmetry and how the rules of symmetry influences our lives and the choices we make. Marcus du Sautoy 14 Jan 2014
38 Creative Commons Darwin's Fish: Evolutionary controversies in the fossil record See how modern analyses of the fossil record, genetics and development provide a new understanding of flatfish evolution, and how this bears on both the great flatfish controversy and the rate and nature of evolutionary change more broadly. Matt Friedman 04 Oct 2013
39 Creative Commons A cooperative species: Human reciprocity and its evolution (Astor Visiting Lecture) Are humans inherently selfish? Is there really an essential human nature? How do we contend about the selfish gene in this day and age? What do we make of altruism against the selfish gene? With Professor Sam Bowles (Arthur Speigel Research Professor). Sam Bowles 13 Mar 2013
40 17. Same or different? A cactus and a euphorbia - an example of convergent evolution. Timothy Walker 28 May 2012
41 Creative Commons The evolutionary history and genetics of primate brain size In this Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Seminar, Stephen Montgomery (University of Cambridge) discusses "The evolutionary history and genetics of primate brain size." 15 June 2011. Stephen Montgomery 10 May 2012
42 The nature of human beings and the question of their ultimate origin The Archbishop of Canterbury, Prof. Richard Dawkins and Sir Anthony Kenny took part in a discussion titled "The nature of human beings and the question of their ultimate origin". Held at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford in Feb 2012. Richard Dawkins, Rowan Williams, Anthony Kenny 28 Feb 2012
43 Creative Commons The Social Brain on the Internet In primates and humans alike, the number of social relationships an individual can have is constrained in part by its social cognitive competences and in part by the time available to invest in face-to-face interaction. Robin Dunbar 23 Aug 2011
44 Creative Commons Why the Hominin Cognitive Niche Was and Is a Crucially Socio-cognitive Niche Tooby and deVore argued that hominin evolution hinged on the exploitation of a unique 'cognitive niche'. We propose that a diversity of evidence indicates this was fundamentally a socio-cognitive niche. Andrew Whiten 23 Aug 2011
45 Creative Commons Metacognition and the Social Mind: How Individuals Interact at the Neural Level I will review recent research in neuroimaging and computation neuroscience, and present a new paradigm for studying decision making in pairs. Chris Frith 23 Aug 2011
46 Creative Commons Experiencing Language The evolutionary relationship between human linguistic capacity and humans' emotional make-up has not, as yet, received focused attention. Eva Jablonka 23 Aug 2011
47 Creative Commons Signals, Honesty and the Evolution of Language The evolution of language is a long-standing puzzle for many reasons. One is that its very virtues as a system of communication seem to open the door to ruinous free-riding and deception. Kim Sterelny 23 Aug 2011
48 Creative Commons Embodiment: Taking Sociality Seriously A very wise person of our acquaintance once said, 'Read old books to get new ideas'. Louise Barrett 22 Aug 2011
49 Creative Commons Cortico-cerebellar Evolution and the Distributed Neural Basis of Cognition Biologists interested in cognitive evolution have focussed on the dramatic expansion of the forebrain, particularly the neocortex, in lineages such as primates. Robert Barton 22 Aug 2011
50 A New Comparative Psychology In their classic 1969 paper Hodos and Campbell bemoaned the absence of appropriate evolutionary theory in comparative psychology. In this talk I will argue that despite the advent of Evolutionary Psychology the situation has changed only a little today. Russell Gray 22 Aug 2011
51 Creative Commons The Mystery of Cumulative Culture Human demographic and ecological success is frequently attributed to our capacity for cumulative culture, which allows human knowledge and technology to build up and improve over time. Kevin Laland 22 Aug 2011
52 Creative Commons Cultural Inheritance of Cultural Learning It is widely acknowledged that the cumulative cultural inheritance of technological skills and social practices has played a major role in shaping the ways of life of modern humans. Cecilia Heyes 22 Aug 2011
53 Creative Commons Welcome and Introduction Introduction to the "New Thinking: Advances in the Study of Human Cognitive Evolution" conference. Cecilia Heyes 22 Aug 2011
54 Human Sciences Symposium 2011: The Musical Brain - Opening Presentation On 26 February 2011, the Human Sciences Symposium focused on the The Musical Brain and the links between music, evolution and human psychology. This podcast is the opening presentation by Dr Iain Morley on Music and its Evolutionary Context. Iain Morley 25 Jul 2011
55 Evolutionary Theology Without the Concept of Progress Fraser Watts, Cambridghe, gives a talk for the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion Seminar series. Fraser Watts 22 Jul 2011
56 Social evolution in primates and other animals In this lecture, Dr Susanne Shultz (Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, Oxford) examines the social evolution of primates and other animals (10 March 2011). Susanne Shultz 06 Jun 2011
57 Late Pleistocene Demography and the Appearance of Modern Human Behaviour In this seminar for the Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology, Professor Mark Thomas (University College London) discusses the origins of modern human behaviour (18 May 2011). Mark Thomas 06 Jun 2011
58 The significance of deserts in shaping the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens Dr Michael Petraglia, School of Archaeology, Oxford, delivers the introductory address at the 1st Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert Conference hosted by the School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, on the 15-16 April 2010. Michael Petraglia 24 Feb 2011
59 Darwin and Friends Professor Robin Dunbar explores if there is a limit to the number of friends we can keep track of and explains the origin of "Dunbar's Number". Robin Dunbar 10 Feb 2011
60 Slime Moulds to run the railways? Should we let slime moulds run our railways? Slime moulds can produce networks as efficient, cost-effective and resilient as railway networks designed by people, despite having no central control over what they build. Mark Fricker 10 Feb 2011
61 Success of the Smelliest - Sexual attraction and pheromones Sexual attraction and pheromones? Dr. Tristram Wyatt talks about pheromones and evolution in a short talk about the "Success of the smelliest". Recorded as part of an ongoing series of short lectures. Tristram Wyatt 10 Feb 2011
62 Creative Commons Pheromones: what animals (including humans) say with smell Tristram Wyatt gives a talk on 'The Science of Smell' - Pheromones, outlining their discovery, their chemistry and how animals (and humans) interact through smell. Part of the 2008 Oxford Alumni Weekend. Tristram Wyatt 23 Jun 2009
63 Darwin 200: Dawkins and Harries Richard Dawkins and former Bishop of Oxford Richard Harries recreate the famous Oxford evolution debate of 1860. Richard Dawkins, Richard Harries, Jeremy Paxman 16 Feb 2009
64 Peter Harrison on Science and Religion Professor Peter Harrison discusses the relationship between science and religion, the myths that surround the relationship, and discusses some of the contentious contemporary issues. Peter Harrison, Oliver Lewis 22 Oct 2008