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digital technologies

# Episode Title Description People Date
1 The digital lives of children: Professor Vicki Nash and Professor Katya Hertog How digital technologies impact young children, and new ways to think about the ethical and safety measures that govern their use of technology, with Professor Vicki Nash and Professor Katya Hertog (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford) Vicki Nash, Katya Hertog 12 Dec 2024
2 Book talk: 'Cogs and Monsters: what economics is and what it should be' with Prof Diane Coyle Diane Coyle and Ian Goldin discuss Diane's new book 'Cogs and Monsters' and how economics can face the challenges of technological change. Diane Coyle, Ian Goldin 25 Nov 2021
3 Creative Commons Changing technology, changing economics Prof Diane Coyle discusses how digital technologies are changing economics. Diane Coyle 14 Jun 2019
4 Creative Commons Neuroscientist and Alumni Weekend speaker, Baroness Susan Greenfield (St Hilda's, 1970) Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE highlights how the unprecedented use of digital technologies is leaving a mark on our brains. Susan Greenfield 01 Sep 2015
5 Creative Commons IWM's 'Computer Club': Engaging staff with Digital Technologies Simon Delafond and Jesse Alter explore the exciting staff initiative ('Computer Club') led at the Imperial War Museums which encourages colleagues to use digital technologies to support and enhance their work. Simon Delafond, Jesse Alter 16 Feb 2015