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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Creative Commons Cleaning up misfolded proteins Misfolded proteins can either create the loss of a cellular function, or escape degradation, causing aggregation diseases. John Christianson 04 Feb 2016
2 Creative Commons Cleaning up misfolded proteins Misfolded proteins can either create the loss of a cellular function, or escape degradation, causing aggregation diseases. John Christianson 04 Feb 2016
3 Inflammation in disease The main aim of Dr Xue's research is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms mediating inflammatory diseases, and to translate their findings into therapeutic concepts to treat these diseases. Luzheng Xue 07 Jan 2016
4 Creative Commons Inflammation in disease The main aim of Dr Xue's research is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms mediating inflammatory diseases, and to translate their findings into therapeutic concepts to treat these diseases. Luzheng Xue 07 Jan 2016
5 Creative Commons The genetics of metabolic diseases A missing step in a metabolic pathway leads to the build-up of toxic compounds, and the lack of materials essential for normal function. Wyatt Yue 28 Jul 2015
6 Creative Commons The genetics of metabolic diseases A missing step in a metabolic pathway leads to the build-up of toxic compounds, and the lack of materials essential for normal function. Wyatt Yue 28 Jul 2015