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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 Lung protective ventilation based on physics and physiology A guest seminar for our Nuffield Division of Anaesthetics Bjorn Jonson 24 Feb 2020
2 Kate Binnie: First and Last Breath soundscape A soundscape about breathing as a barometer of our state of mind and physical health. Kate Binnie 04 Aug 2017
3 Saturday Scientist, BBC Radio Oxford Sarah Finnegan talks about Breathe Oxford Sarah Finnegan 03 Aug 2017
4 Creative Commons Are exhausts causing dementia? Many people are exposed to exhaust emissions every day in different ways. But what are the harmful effects of these fumes when we breathe them in? Could we see difficulties in other areas of our bodies? What is it doing to our brains? Imad Ahmed 21 Nov 2016
5 Breathing Unequally: Environmental justice and transport-related air pollution Professor Gordon Walker, Lancaster University, delivers a seminar as part of the 'Socio-spatial inequalities, transport and mobilities' seminar series held in the Transport Studies Unit during Hilary Term 2012. Gordon Walker 11 Apr 2012