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book history

# Episode Title Description People Date
1 The New Nature of the Book: Publishing and Printing in the Post-Digital Era In this lecture, Matthew Kirschenbaum considers textual stability, a concern of publishers and readers since before the advent of printing, in the post-digital era. Matthew Kirschenbaum 13 Jun 2023
2 Creative Commons Manuscript and Print, 1660–1760 Carly Watson outlines the material forms in which literary texts circulated between 1660 and 1760. Carly Watson 07 Mar 2019
3 The Paratexts of Conrad Gessner Professor Ann Blair on the uses of dedication and the multifarious paratexts of the early modern naturalist and bibliographer Conrad Gessner (1516-65) Dennis Duncan, Ann Blair 03 Aug 2016
4 Creative Commons Modernist Marginalia Dr Amanda Golden discusses the notes and underlinings that writers like Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath made in their books. Dennis Duncan, Amanda Golden 13 Jul 2016
5 Modernist Prefaces Dr Sarah Copland on how Modernist writers such as Henry James and Joseph Conrad used the form of the Preface as a key to their own work, as well as the work of others. Dennis Duncan, Sarah Copland 06 Jun 2016
6 "To the Reader" Epistles Dr Meaghan Brown discusses the early modern To the Reader epistle, in which publishers directly addressed their buying public. Dennis Duncan, Meaghan Brown 24 May 2016