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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 In Pursuit of Beauty: Modern Guides to the Hair, Face, and Body, 1784-1933 Dr Jessica Clark discusses Victorian beauty practices with items from the Bodleian Libraries Special Collections. Jessica Clark 13 Oct 2015
2 Beauty and the Victorians 'Buying beauty in the Victorian period' Dr Jessica Clark looks at the Victorian beauty industry, and the transition from disapproval of artifice to a celebration of the wonders of cosmetics. Jess Clark 09 Jul 2015
3 "I Don't Like the Way I Look": the Psychological Consequences of Appearance Norms Societal interest in 'looks' has a long history. Until recently, this interest has been considered largely benign: however, norms of appearance have become progressively more extreme and are now unattainable for the vast majority of people. Nicole Rumsey 02 Jul 2014