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# Episode Title Description People Date
1 FMR 57 - Expanding economic opportunities in protracted displacement Welcome progress has been made towards realising commitments made by international donors and host country governments to expand economic opportunities for Syrian refugees and host communities in neighbouring countries. Miki Takahashi, Michael Moroz, Jonathan Peters, Jason Pronyk 27 Feb 2018
2 FMR 57 - Learning from the Jordan Compact Analysis of the implementation of the Jordan Compact offers three key lessons: governmental approval is important but not sufficient, the incorporation of critical voices is crucial, meeting numeric targets is not the same as achieving underlying goals. Katharina Lenner, Lewis Turner 27 Feb 2018
3 FMr 57 - Designing refugee compacts: lessons from Jordan Analysis of progress to date under the Jordan Compact highlights a number of shortcomings that need to be addressed if the model is to be used effectively elsewhere. Cindy Huang, Nazanin Ash, Katelyn Gough, Lauren Post 27 Feb 2018
4 FMR 57 - Turkey: between hospitality and hostility Recent political developments and changes in Turkey’s asylum law have had a significantly injurious impact on the safety and legal certainty of refugees in Turkey. Margarite Helena Zoeteweij-Turhan 27 Feb 2018
5 FMR 57 - Refugee youth, unemployment and extremism: countering the myth Refugee youth unemployment has been linked to increased risk of extremism and/or exploitation. Research indicates, however, that unemployment is just one of many factors triggering frustration among young refugees. Drew Mikhael, Julie Norman 27 Feb 2018
6 FMR 57 - Establishing legal identity for displaced Syrians Seven years of conflict have had a serious detrimental effect on many Syrians' ability to prove their legal identity. Martin Clutterbuck, Laura Cunial, Paola Barsanti, Tina Gewis 27 Feb 2018
7 FMR 57 - When is return voluntary? Conditions of asylum in Lebanon The decision of Syrian refugees in Lebanon to return to Syria must not be based on a deteriorating quality of asylum that creates physical, social and material pressures on decisions to return. Amy Keith, Nour Shawaf 27 Feb 2018
8 FMR 57 - Balancing the rights of displaced, returning and remaining populations: learning from Iraq The return of some 3.1 million IDPs in Iraq to their places of origin is seen as a benchmark of success in the aftermath of the recent civil war. However, the situation is complex. Nadia Siddiqui 27 Feb 2018
9 FMR 57 - Property restitution in post-conflict Syria Although restitution of property should underpin any post-conflict agreement, in Syria this will be a complex exercise. Adherence to the UN’s Pinheiro Principles will be critical. Martin Clutterbuck 27 Feb 2018
10 FMR 57 - Perspectives on the return of Syrian refugees There are many reasons why discussions about the imminent return of large numbers of Syrian refugees are premature. Leïla Vignal 27 Feb 2018
11 FMR 57 General - A vision for restitution in Myanmar People displaced in Myanmar during decades of civil conflict, as well as more recently displaced persons, need accessible legal pathways and assistance to regain access to their land and properties. José Arraiza, Scott Leckie 27 Feb 2018
12 FMR 57 General - The Gambia: a haven for refugees? Although not usually thought of as a haven of refugee protection, the Gambia has a fairly sizeable refugee population and some sophisticated legal frameworks and protection mechanisms. Franzisca Zanker 27 Feb 2018
13 FMR 57 General - Enhancing the protection of women and girls through the Global Compact on Refugees The consultative process involved in drafting the Global Compact on Refugees presents an ideal opportunity to ensure that gender equality is integral to this new international policy framework. Eileen Pittaway, Linda Bartolomei 27 Feb 2018
14 FMR 57 General - Italy's 'Zampa' law: increasing protection for unaccompanied children Italy has enacted comprehensive legislation to protect the rights of unaccompanied children arriving in Italy. Joseph Lelliott 27 Feb 2018
15 FMR 57 General - Voluntary immobility: indigenous voices in the Pacific Indigenous people of the Pacific are increasingly expressing a preference to stay on their lands for cultural and spiritual reasons, even in the face of significant deterioration in health and livelihoods associated with climate change. Carol Farbotko 27 Feb 2018
16 FMR 57 General - The role of civil society in Hong Kong Local organisations can significantly assist with service provision, integration and advocacy. Roy Njuabe 27 Feb 2018