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The gut and the immune system - Dr Emily Thornton

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The gut and the immune system - Dr Emily Thornton
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Duration: 0:13:49 | Added: 31 Jan 2023
In this final episode of the series, we meet Dr Emily Thornton @emilyethornton from the Human Immunology Unit.

We explore her path into mucosal immunology, and how new research is revealing the mechanisms behind how our immune system senses and scans the gut microbiome. In a recent paper they identify an overlooked cell type that help the gut immune cells to interpret the environment and respond to microbes.

Read the full article in Nature Communications: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35126-3

Names of speakers/contributors: Emily Thornton, Catherine Seed
Music: Corporate Business Presentation by AudioCoffee on Pixabay.

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