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Catalysing social and behavior change: Steven Broad

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Duration: 0:18:53 | Added: 27 Nov 2017
Steven Broad Executive Director, TRAFFIC, gives a talk for the symposium on creating and catalysing social and behavioural change.

In recent years, there has been increasing recognition of the value of applying behavioural science for conservation goals. Approaches from fields such as social marketing, Social and Behavioural Change Communications (SBCC) and behavioural economics, are now being considered alongside those from private sector media, marketing and advertising, as valid tactics to employ, in tackling markets for illegal wildlife products, or promoting responsible consumption and markets for sustainably traded products. This talk will explore some of the evidence, experience and examples relevant to this, as well as success factors, lessons learned and insights arising. It will also introduce some of the Tools, reference materials and interactive ‘services’ available to members of the SBCC ‘Community of Practice’ convened by TRAFFIC, which includes 200+ of those with a stake, passion, interest or mandate in influencing wildlife product purchasing preferences and buyer behaviour. Aspects of the talk will also introduce topics that form a focus for the ‘Expert Roundtable on Impact Measurement’, and ‘Changing Business Sector Behaviour workshop’, in subsequent days of the Symposium.

NOTE: Steve Broad is standing in for Gayle Burgess, who was the advertised speaker, as she is no longer able to attend due to extenuating circumstances.

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