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The Bat Poet: Poetry as Echolocation

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The Bat Poet: Poetry as Echolocation
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Duration: 1:02:52 | Added: 23 Nov 2023
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The Bat Poet: Poetry as Echolocation
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Duration: 1:02:52 | Added: 23 Nov 2023
A.E. Stallings gave her inaugural lecture as the Oxford Professor of Poetry on 20 November 2023. She talked on 'The Bat Poet: Poetry as Echolocation'.

A.E. Stallings is an American poet who studied Classics at the University of Georgia and Oxford. She has published four collections of poetry, Archaic Smile, Hapax, and Olives, and most recently, Like, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. She has published three verse translations, Lucretius's The Nature of Things (in rhyming fourteeners!), Hesiod's Works and Days, and an illustrated The Battle Between the Frogs and the Mice. A selected poems, This Afterlife, is just out from FSG in the US and Carcanet in the UK.

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