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Centre for the Study of African Economies - Seminars & Workshops
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Post-War: Commemoration, Reconstruction, Reconciliation
Wildlife Trade Symposium: Evolving Perspectives on the demand for illegal wildlife products
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Sarah Gilbert
Lindsay Turnbull
Emma Smith
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
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Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR)
Department of Engineering Science
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The Many Lives of Benjamin Disr...
Openness at Oxford
The New Madhyamaka
Children and Youth in a Changin...
Teaching to Transgress
St Edmund Hall Research Expo 20...
Chemistry for the Future: Clean...
The Zaharoff Lecture
A Corpus, Not a Canon
Latest Episodes
Episode 4: Reflections on COP29,...
Underwater photography and mariti...
The digital lives of children: Pr...
Living through multiple crises: Y...
Trade Networks Bridging Yemen, Is...
Upping the ante: how word choice,...
Interview with Joe Cribb on the B...
The Trial that Shook Britain: How...
What people really want from plat...
From probabilistic bisimulation...
Let's talk e-cigarettes, Nov...
Writing Middle Eastern Lives: Bio...
The Abraham Accords: The Gulf Sta...
God’s Man in Iraq: The Life and L...
Deep Histories: the ground-waters...
Dr Ananda Bandyopadhyay, Deputy D...
Abraham and Moses as Entrepreneur...
Regional dimensions of the Gaza c...
Chatting with Nabeela Kajee on th...
Synagogues in Israeli Urban Inter...