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What should we expect from journalism in 2025?

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Duration: 0:33:25 | Added: 17 Jan 2025
In this episode we discuss what news publishers are excited and concerned about in the year ahead.

From the rapid evolution in the platform referral model to advances in capability of generative AI, newsrooms are having to deal with a raft of drastic changes in news production and audience behaviour. In this discussion, two authors of our yearly Trends and Predictions report, based on survey data of over 300 news leaders in 51 countries, break down what's keeping news leaders awake at night, what areas they plan to prioritise this year and what may happen to journalism in 2025. They look at generative AI, reader revenue, news influencers, product innovation and a lot more.

You can read the full report here: https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/journalism-media-and-technolo...

A transcript of this podcast is available here: https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/news/what-should-we-expect-jo...

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