Department of Earth Sciences

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The Earth Sciences are the focus of scientific understanding about this and other planets, embracing an enormous range of topics, including the evolution of the solar system, the earth, and life, the nature of planetary interiors, the causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, earth-surface processes and the origin and behaviour of oceans and atmosphere. The emphasis of both our teaching and research is on understanding the fundamental principles of geological processes.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
11 | Curiosity’s Search for Ancient Habitable Environments at Gale Crater, Mars | 4th Annual Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology delivered by Professor John Grotzinger, Caltech, USA | John Grotzinger | 27 Apr 2017 | |
10 | The Origins and Evolution of Exoplanet Atmospheres and Oceans | 3rd Annual Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology delivered by Professor Raymond T Pierrehumbert. | Raymond T Pierrehumbert | 27 Apr 2017 | |
9 | Creative Commons | The Formation of Terrestrial Planets - the 2nd Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology | Prof Alessandro Morbidelli of the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur in Nice gives the 2nd Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology. He talks about the formation of planets in the universe. | Alessandro Morbidelli | 22 May 2015 |
8 | Building Earth-like Planets: from gas and dust to ocean worlds. | The first Lobanov-Rostovsky Lecture in Planetary Geology delivered by Professor Linda T. Elkins-Tanton. | Linda T. Elkins-Tanton | 06 Nov 2013 | |
7 | The Chelyabinsk Meteor | In this talk Dr Ken Amor talks about the Chelyabinsk meteor, which entered Earths atmosphere over Russia on the 15th of February 2013. | Ken Amor | 16 Apr 2013 | |
6 | Large Meteorite Impacts on Earth | Ken Amor looks at the science of large meteorite impacts on Earth. | Ken Amor | 30 Jan 2013 | |
5 | Creative Commons | Ironing The Ocean - exploring the ocean iron and carbon cycles aboard the RRS discovery in the south atlantic | Gideon Henderson, Professor of Earth Sciences and fellow of University College, gives a talk on his research on iron content in the atlantic ocean and its necessity for life in the ocean. | Gideon Henderson | 01 Jun 2011 |
4 | Creative Commons | Rocking the Cradle...6,000 Years of Geological Impact in Greece | From the 2010 Alumni Weekend. Phillip England talks about the history of Greece through its many earthquakes and seismic activity over the last 6000 years and shows how these events shaped the ancient world's history. | Phillip England | 25 Oct 2010 |
3 | The Tipping Point: Climate Change | Professor Gideon Henderson and Dr Ros Rickaby from the Department of Earth Sciences talk about some of the key issues surrounding climate change today. | Gideon Henderson, Ros Rickaby | 26 Aug 2009 | |
2 | Reflections on the environment and science at Oxford | Prof Alex Halliday discusses the role of isotope geoscience in understanding present day environmental issues. He also reflects on studying science at Oxford. | Alex Halliday | 12 Sep 2008 | |
1 | An introduction to Geoscience | Using Isotope geochemistry to understand the origins of planets and the present day natural behaviour of the Earth. | Alex Halliday | 12 Sep 2008 |