Centre for African Studies

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The University of Oxford is one of the world's leading centres for the study of Africa. In every Faculty and Division across the University there are active research programmes focused on the continent. The African Studies Centre, within the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, acts as a focal point for graduate level work and faculty research on Africa. Alongside vibrant doctoral programmes, the MSc in African Studies, inaugurated in 2006, is already recognised as Europe's most prestigious and successful training programme in its field.
# | Episode Title | Description | People | Date | |
95 | The African Union and Post-Coup Intervention in Madagascar | In this seminar we hosted Antonia Witt of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. Their lecture is titled The African Union and Post-Coup Intervention in Madagascar. | Antonia Witt | 21 May 2021 | |
94 | The Dead Speak: Identity, Autochthony and the Occult in Kenya’s Western Highlands | In this seminar we hosted David Anderson of Warwick University as he presented on "The Dead Speak: Identity, Autochthony and the Occult in Kenya’s Western Highlands". | David Anderson | 12 Mar 2021 | |
93 | Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress: Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs | In this seminar we hosted Professor Francis Nyamnjoh as he presented his lecture titled Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress: Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs. | Francis Nyamnjoh | 05 Mar 2021 | |
92 | The Intimate State: Teachers as Fault Line Between Repression and Revolution | In this seminar we hosted Jennifer Riggan as she gave a lecture entitled: The Intimate State: Teachers as Fault Line Between Repression and Revolution | Jennifer Riggan | 24 Feb 2021 | |
91 | An Expatriate Family in the Nigerian Civil War (Book Presentation and Discussion) | In this podcast we hear from Selina Molteno, Publisher, Oxford & Robin Cohen, Senior Research Fellow, Kellogg College, University of Oxford, as they discuss their lecture titled An Expatriate Family in the Nigerian Civil War. | Selina Molteno, Robin Cohen | 11 Feb 2021 | |
90 | Anusocratie? Freemasonry, Sexual Transgression and Illicit Enrichment in Postcolonial Africa | In this seminar, Rogers Orock (University of Witwatersrand) and Peter Geschiere (University of Amsterdam) jointly provide a lecture titled: Anusocratie? Freemasonry, Sexual Transgression and Illicit Enrichment in Postcolonial Africa. | Rogers Orock and Peter Geschiere | 04 Feb 2021 | |
89 | Creative Commons | Colonial encounters in Acholiland and Oxford: The Anthropology of F.K.Girling and Okot p'Bitek | For this podcast, we co-hosted Tim Allen of LSE with Oxford's Anthropology Department. | Tim Allen | 30 Nov 2020 |
88 | Presidential Campaigns stops in Ghana | For this seminar we hosted George Bob-Milliar (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology). Professor Bob-Milliar's lecture is titled Presidential Campaigns stops in Ghana. | George Bob-Milliar | 19 Nov 2020 | |
87 | Creative Commons | Somali Kinship and Bureaucratic Governance at Dagahaley Refugee Camp in Kenya | For this seminar we hosted Fred Ikanda from Maseno University. Professor Ikanda's spoke about his research and fieldwork experiences with the Dagahaley Refugee Camp. | Fred Ikanda | 05 Nov 2020 |
86 | Our Own Way in This Part of the World: Biography of an African Community, Culture, and Nation | For this seminar today we hosted Kwasi Konadu (Colgate University). Professor Konadu, Colgate University, spoke about his book, Our Own Way in This Part of the World: Biography of an African Community, Culture, and Nation. | Kwasi Konadu | 23 Oct 2020 | |
85 | To the Volcano and Other Stories | Elleke Boehmer (University of Oxford) in conversation with Wale Adebanwi (University of Oxford) | Wale Adebanwi, Elleke Boehmer | 16 Oct 2020 | |
84 | Book Launch: Extralegal Groups in Post-Conflict Liberia | In this seminar, Christine Cheng explores how states and extra-legal groups work together and analyzes how our definitions of what is legal affect our view of the state and governance. | Christine Cheng | 30 Jan 2020 | |
83 | The Elders know Nothing: the Inversion of Tradition in the New Mining Context | Ramon Sarró and Marina P. Temudo deliver paper at 'Cultural Production in Africa's Extractive Communities' workshop. | Ramon Sarró, Marina P. Temudo | 14 Dec 2019 | |
82 | Creative Commons | Youth, insecurity and intimacy in the popular arts of the Niger Delta | David Pratten delivers paper at 'Cultural Production in Africa's Extractive Communities' workshop. | David Pratten | 14 Dec 2019 |
81 | Creative Commons | Artistic Movements: Music, Popular Painting and Cultural Exchanges on the central African Copperbelt | Enid Guene delivers paper at 'Cultural Production in Africa's Extractive Communities' workshop. | Enid Guene | 14 Dec 2019 |
80 | Mobutist Modernism: Art Education, State Sponsorship and the Visual Arts in Zaire | Sarah Van Beurden delivers paper at 'Cultural Production in Africa's Extractive Communities' workshop. | Sarah Van Beurden | 14 Dec 2019 | |
79 | Creative Commons | Ethnography for Digital Natives? Rethinking Form and Content in a New Text on Contemporary Angola | Jess Auerbach provides a wonderful discussion of her new book, in which she explores how those that have always had access to the internet learn and think differently. | Jess Auerbach | 20 Nov 2019 |
78 | Creative Commons | Rethinking Work from A Uganda Marketplace | William Monteith explores the marketplaces of Uganda, specifically larger ones in Kampala, to discuss how the differences between waged and non-waged labour are viewed. He also discusses the role of different types of work in this context. | William Monteith | 20 Nov 2019 |
77 | Creative Commons | Book Launch: State and Society in Nigeria | Portia Roelofs and Gavin Williams discuss in this podcast Gavin's influential book, State and Society in Nigeria. | Gavin Williams, Portia Roelofs | 13 Nov 2019 |
76 | Creative Commons | Ruth First's Red Suitcase: In and Out of the Strongroom of Memory Book launch of Written Under the Skin: Blood and Intergenerational Memory in South Africa | Carli Coetzee discusses her book and surrounding themes in this talk. Ideas of femininity and issues about Ruth First regarding her time in prison are central to this interesting discussion. | Carli Coetzee | 06 Nov 2019 |
75 | Creative Commons | Individual Adaptation Strategies to Flooding in a Low-Income Urban Setting in Nigeria | In this talk, Dr Pedi Obani explores the impact of flooding in Benin City and the different ways in which people combat this hardship. Dr Obani also analyzes how these strategies could be improved for the betterment of the community as a whole. | Dr Pedi Obani | 30 Oct 2019 |
74 | The Act of Living: Street Life, Marginality and Development in Urban Ethiopia (Book Launch) | ASC seminar with Marco Di Nunzio | Marco Di Nunzio | 13 Jul 2019 | |
73 | Joao Lourenco's reform agenda in post Dos Santos Angola: Ambiguities and asymmetries | ASC seminar with Rui Verde | Rui Verde | 13 Jul 2019 | |
72 | Decolonisation Dilemmas: Challenges for University Leadership | ASC and Oxford Africa Society special lecture with Dr Max Price, former Vice Chancellor of UCT. | Max Price | 13 Jul 2019 | |
71 | Creative Commons | The earth compels: Forces of destruction and creation in the history of African popular culture | Prof Karin Barber delivers keynote lecture for 'Cultural Production in Africa's Extractive Communities' workshop | Karin Barber | 16 May 2019 |
70 | Creative Commons | Unmasking Africana in British Art | ASC seminar by Kimathi Donkor | Kimathi Donkor | 05 Mar 2019 |
69 | The politics of distribution in Ethiopia's 'developmental state' | ASC seminar by Tom Lavers | Tom Lavers | 16 Feb 2019 | |
68 | Public health and gender: Assumptions, disjunctures in practice, and implications for HIV prevention within marriages in Kenya | ASC seminar by Roseanne Njiru | Roseanne Njiru | 16 Feb 2019 | |
67 | What's in a Label? Western Donors' Construction of Success and Failure in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau | ASC seminar by Teresa Almeida Cravo | Teresa Almeida Cravo | 25 Jan 2019 | |
66 | Student activism in an era of decolonization | ASC seminar by Dan Hodgkinson, Luke Melchiorre and Marcia Schenck. | Dan Hodgkinson, Luke Melchiorre, Marcia Schenck | 24 Jan 2019 | |
65 | When We Speak of Nothing (book launch and discussion) | ASC seminar by Olumide Popoola and Bibi Bakare-Yusuf. | Olumide Popoola, Bibi Bakare-Yusuf, Oliver Owen | 30 Nov 2018 | |
64 | Burma Boys: World War II, memory and popular culture in central Nigeria | ASC seminar by Oliver Owen (Oxford) | Oliver Owen | 16 Nov 2018 | |
63 | Fashioning Africa at Brighton Museum | ASC seminar by Edith Ojo (Brighton based arts freelancer) & Nicola Stylianou (MoDa, Middlesex University) | Edith Ojo, Nicola Stylianou | 08 Nov 2018 | |
62 | Making Somaliland: Popular culture, identity and national consciousness | ASC seminar by Yusuf Kajura Serunkuma (Makerere University) | Yusuf Kajura Serunkuma | 05 Nov 2018 | |
61 | Transactions: Revisiting how domination worked in colonial Africa | ASC seminar by Florence Bernault (Sciences Po) | Florence Bernault | 05 Nov 2018 | |
60 | Gender, Spectacle and Nation-making in Post-WWII Nigeria | ASC seminar by Judith Byfield (Cornell University). | judith byfield | 26 Oct 2018 | |
59 | IAB Inauguration and Lecture by Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo | Prof Yemi Osinbajo inaugurates the ASC's new International Advisory Board with a lecture on 'The Challenges of Human Development in 21st Century Africa'. | yemi osinbajo | 26 Oct 2018 | |
58 | Hawks and Doves in Sudan's Armed Conflict: Al-Hakkamat Baggara Women of Darfur | Suad Musa kicks off a new term of ASC seminars by launching her new book. | suad musa | 26 Oct 2018 | |
57 | Democracy in Africa | Booklaunch of Democracy in Africa which provides the 1st comprehensive overview of the history of contemporary democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa and explains why the continent's democratic experiments have so often failed, as well as how they could succeed. | Nic Cheeseman, Phil Clark, Stephen Chan, Catherine Boone | 14 Oct 2015 | |
56 | African Studies Annual Lecture Is Africa Rising? | Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of Oxfam International, gives the 2015 Annual Lecture for the African Studies Centre. | Winnie Byanyima | 02 Jul 2015 | |
55 | Media, Conflict and Democracy in Africa | Joint Seminar of the African Studies Centre and Reuters Institute. | Catherine Gichuru, Winston Mano, Nic Cheeseman, Alexandra Reza | 25 Jun 2014 | |
54 | Creative Commons | African Studies and OCAF Seminar: Staying Out of Place: The Dialectics of Being and Becoming in Exceptional Spaces | Simon Turner, Aalborg University, Denmark, gives a talk for the African Studies Centre | Simon Turner | 18 Feb 2014 |
53 | African Studies and Horn of Africa Seminar: South Sudan Crisis Roundtable | Roundtable discussion looking at the ongoing crisis in South Sudan | Jason Mosley, Annette Weber, Douglas Johnson, Peter Biar Ajak | 18 Feb 2014 | |
52 | Creative Commons | 'Live Dangerously Brothers': Liberia's Ex-Combatants and their place in the post war city | Danny Hoffman, Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Washington, gives a talk for the African Studies seminar series | Danny Hoffman | 28 Jan 2014 |
51 | Creative Commons | What are friends for? Friendship and Public life in the post colony: African Studies Centre Annual Lecture 2013 | Wale Adebanwi, Associate Professor, African American and African Studies, University of California-Davies, gives the 2013 African Studies Annual Lecture. | Wale Adebanwi | 13 Aug 2013 |
50 | Creative Commons | Transitional justice in the Somali setting | Markus Hoehne, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, gives a talk for the Horn of Africa seminar series workshop 'Post-transitional' directions in the Somalias on 30th April 2013. | Markus Hoehne | 24 Jul 2013 |
49 | Creative Commons | State-building in Somali Studies: Future framework | Part of the Post-transitional directions in the Somalias, Horn of Africa Seminar Series workshop. | Mohamed Ingiriis | 22 Jul 2013 |
48 | Creative Commons | Insider-outsider and gendered dynamics for Somali researchers in Somalia | Part of the Post-transitional directions in the Somalias, Horn of Africa Seminar Series workshop. | Siham Rayale | 22 Jul 2013 |
47 | Creative Commons | The evolving role of Islamist groups in Somali politics | Part of the Post-transitional directions in the Somalias, Horn of Africa Seminar Series workshop. | Mohammed al-Hadi | 22 Jul 2013 |
46 | Creative Commons | Crisis and displacement; different solutions for different kinds of displaced | Part of the Post-transitional directions in the Somalias, Horn of Africa Seminar Series workshop. | Laura Hammond | 22 Jul 2013 |
45 | Growing up in the New South Africa | Rachel Bray (Independent Scholar, Oxford) gives a talk for the African Studies seminar series on 7th March, 2013. | Rachel Bray | 11 Mar 2013 | |
44 | Creative Commons | The return of garrison rule in the Ethiopian Ogaden, 2006-2012 | Tobias Hagmann (Roskilde University) gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar Series on 28 February, 2013. | Tobias Hagmann | 11 Mar 2013 |
43 | Human rights in Africa: opportunities and challenges | The Bram Fischer Memorial Lecture 2013. Navi Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights gives a talk about human rights in Africa. | Navi Pillay | 07 Mar 2013 | |
42 | The ANC in Exile | Stephen Ellis (Free University, Amsterdam) gives a talk for the African Studies Centre seminar series on the African National Congress (ANC). | Stephen Ellis | 25 Feb 2013 | |
41 | Creative Commons | 'Now we are all workers.' The remaking of marginality on the streets of Addis Ababa's inner city | Marco Di Nunzio (Université Libre de Bruxelles) gives a talk for the African Studies Centre seminar series on 7th February 2013. | Marco Di Nunzio | 13 Feb 2013 |
40 | Creative Commons | The British Army and Mau Mau, 1952-56 | Huw Bennett (Aberystwyth University), gives a talk for the African Studies Centre seminar series on the British Army and Kenyan Mau Mau. | Huw Bennett | 04 Feb 2013 |
39 | Creative Commons | 2012 Annual African Studies lecture. Diaspora and Spiritual Awakening: Religion and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Life of Kwame Nkrumah | Emmanuel Akyeampong (Harvard) gives the 2012 Annual African Studies Centre Lecture. | Emmanuel Akyeampong | 22 May 2012 |
38 | Creative Commons | Surviving on the Margins: Youth and the Underground Oil Economy in the Niger Delta | Paul Ugor (Birmingham) gives a talk for the African Studies Centre Seminar Series on 10th May 2012. | Paul Ugor | 15 May 2012 |
37 | Creative Commons | Somalia after the London Meeting: How Much Difference Does a Day Make? | Laura Hammond (SOAS) gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar series. In association with the Horn of Africa Seminar. | Laura Hammond | 08 May 2012 |
36 | Creative Commons | Squatter movements in the Vaal Triangle | Dr Noor Nieftagodien (University of Witwatersrand) gives a talk for the African Studies Centre on 8th March 2012. | Noor Nieftagodien | 12 Mar 2012 |
35 | Creative Commons | Buganda Nationalism in the 21st Century | Dr Florence Brisset-Foucault, Research Associate, Cambridge, gives a talk for the African Studies Centre seminar series. | Florence Brisset-Foucault | 05 Mar 2012 |
34 | Creative Commons | Kenya's Somalia Invasion: Security, Development and Humanitarian Assistance in Eastern Africa | Professor David Anderson gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar series on 23rd February 2012. | David Anderson | 24 Feb 2012 |
33 | Creative Commons | The Legitimation of Criminal Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda: international, national and localised courts | Dr Nikki Palmer (Oxford) gives a talk for the African Studies Centre seminar series on 8th February. | Nikki Palmer | 21 Feb 2012 |
32 | Creative Commons | The Politics of Ethnicity in Ethiopia: Actors, Power and Mobilisation under Ethnic Federalism | Louise Aalen, Bergen University, gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar Series on 2nd February 2012. | Louise Aalen | 06 Feb 2012 |
31 | Creative Commons | Who Killed Dag Hammarskjöld? The UN, the Cold War, and White Supremacy in Africa | Dr Susan Williams (Institute of Commonwealth Studies, London)gives a talk for the African Studies Centre Seminar Series on 19 January. | Susan Williams | 23 Jan 2012 |
30 | Creative Commons | The Killing Fields: The Impact of the Global Arms Trade on Africa | Andrew Feinstein gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar series on the arms trade and its impact on Africa. | Andrew Feinstein | 29 Nov 2011 |
29 | Creative Commons | Zimbabwe's Fast Track Land Reform: Politics, Production and Accumulation | Phillan Zamchiya (International Development/St Antonys), gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar Series. | Phillan Zamchiya | 18 Nov 2011 |
28 | Creative Commons | Potency and the Role of the Environment in KhoeSan medicine | Chris Low, African Studies, Oxford, gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar Series. | Chris Low | 18 Nov 2011 |
27 | Creative Commons | African Local Knowledge: Natural, Biomedical and Supernatural Ideas about Livestock Health | Karen Brown (Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine) and William Beinart (African Studies/St Antony's) give a talk for the African Studies seminar series. | Karen Brown, William Beinart | 18 Nov 2011 |
26 | Creative Commons | Power, Ambition and Ideas in the political career of Apartheid Prime Minister H F Verwoerd | Jonny Steinberg, (African Studies/St Antony's) gives a talk for the African Studies Centre Seminar Series. | Jonny Steinberg | 08 Nov 2011 |
25 | Creative Commons | The Ecology of Conflict: Human-Wildlife Conflict on the Hwange National Park Boundary, Zimbabwe' | Andrew Loveridge (Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Zoology) gives a talk for the St John's College Colloquium on Environmental Conflict and its Resolution (joint event with Oxpeace and Human Sciences). | Andrew Loveridge | 31 Oct 2011 |
24 | Creative Commons | Climate Change and Conflict in Sudan: what if development is not the answer to save Darfur? | Harry Verhoeven (Politics/St Cross) gives a talk for the St John's College Colloquium on Environmental Conflict and its Resolution (joint event with Oxpeace and Human Sciences). | Harry Verhoeven | 31 Oct 2011 |
23 | Creative Commons | Ethnic violence, water scarcity and managing resources to promote peace | Karen Witsenburg (Both ENDS and Max Plank Institute for Anthropology) gives a talk for the College Colloquium on Environmental Conflict and its Resolution (joint event with Oxpeace and Human Sciences). | Karen Witsenberg | 31 Oct 2011 |
22 | Cruising through Uncertainty: Mobile Phone Practices and the Politics of Respect in Southern Mozambique | Julie Archambault (African Studies/St Annes College), gives a talk for the African Studies Centre. | Julie Archambault | 27 Oct 2011 | |
21 | ORENGA Special Lecture - Fashola's Lagos: the man, the method, the megacity | Babatunde Fashola, Governor of Lagos State, Nigeria, gives a special lecture for the African Studies Centre. | Babatunde Fashola | 27 Oct 2011 | |
20 | Creative Commons | Witchcraft and the Colonial Life of the Fetish (African History and Politics Seminar) | Professor Florence Bernault (Wisconsin) presents her work on the historical role of 'fetish' and 'witchcraft' in colonial Africa and the historical development of their linguistic uses. | Florence Bernault | 22 Jun 2011 |
19 | Creative Commons | 'Rubber Will Not Keep in this Country' - Failed Development in Benin, 1897-1921 (African History and Politics Seminar) | Dr James Fenske (Oxford) presents his ongoing research on the history of the rubber trade in Benin, and presents a comparative study to other areas of rubber trade in West Africa. | James Fenske | 22 Jun 2011 |
18 | The Politics of Legal Pluralism: the Case of Community Policing in Mozambique and Swaziland (African Studies Seminar) | Helene Maria Kyed (DIIS) looks at the role of community policing in Mozambique and Swaziland. | Helene Maria Kyed | 22 Jun 2011 | |
17 | Worldliness, Citiness, Postcolonial Life and Thinking from the South | Achille Mbembe, Professor of Social Theory, University of Stellenbosch, gives the second 2011 Africa Studies Annual lecture on 26th May 2011. | Achille Mbembe | 01 Jun 2011 | |
16 | 'City, Art, Motion: Rethinking the "Now" in Johannesburg' (Annual Lecture 2011) | Sarah Nuttal, Research Professor, Department of English, University of Stellenbosch, gives the first 2011 African Studies Annual Lecture on 26th May 2011. | Sarah Nuttal | 01 Jun 2011 | |
15 | Creative Commons | Ethnicity, Power and Kinship. Female Chiefs in Tanzania, 1870-1940 | Heide Schmidt, Professor of African Studies, University of Vienna, gives a talk for the African Studies Seminar series on 16th May, 2011. | Heike Schmidt | 23 May 2011 |
14 | Pan-African Solidarity in the Central African Federation, 1953-1963 (African History and Politics Seminar) | Zoe Grove, PhD student at Keele University, presents her research on the history of the Central African Federation, especially looking at the issues of cross-border migration and the movement of ideas. | Zoe Grove | 17 May 2011 | |
13 | How to Build a Successful Opposition Party in Africa (African History and Politics Seminar) | Michael Sata, President of Zambia's leading opposition party, the Patriotic Front (PF), presents a talk on what it means to lead an opposition party in Zambia. | Michael Sata | 17 May 2011 | |
12 | Women, Sports and Societies in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa (African History and Politics Seminar) | As part of the Women's Sport in Africa conference (University of Oxford, 7 Mar 2011), Prof. Nauright (George Mason Univeristy) presents on historical research looking at sports in Africa, with a particular view to women's sport and his own work. | John Nauright | 13 May 2011 | |
11 | Support Democracy Abroad: The Record in Africa | Prof Thomas Carothers, Vice President for Studies, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Nuffield College, gives a talk for the Rothmere American Institute on 2nd Feb 2011. | Thomas Carothers | 14 Mar 2011 | |
10 | The Fischer Lecture: Human Rights and the Law in South Africa (African Studies Seminar/Rhodes House Trust) | George Bizos SC, human rights lawyer and defense barrister for Nelson Mandela, gives the 2011 Bram Fischer lecture at the Rhodes House, Oxford. | George Bizos | 06 Mar 2011 | |
9 | Creative Commons | Politics and Genocide: Rwanda (African Studies Seminar) | Dr Omar McDoom (London School of Economics) looks at a single community in southern Rwanda, using spatial mapping, in order to understand why some people chose to kill during the violence and others did not. | Omar McDoom | 06 Mar 2011 |
8 | Encountering Islam in Eastern African: Transnational History and Imperialism, c. 1880-1930 (Global and Imperial History Research Seminar) | Prof. Anderson (Oxford University) examines the tumultuous history in the Jubaland area of southern Somalia and northern Kenya at the turn of the 20th century. (Presented in the Global and Imperial History Research Seminar). | David Anderson | 09 Feb 2011 | |
7 | Creative Commons | The case of the slave ship Progresso: the Royal Navy, the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the Cape (African Studies Centre Seminar) | Prof. Harries examines the surprising role the Cape played in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and the challenges the Royal Navy was forced to deal with in stopping slave ships. | Patrick Harries | 09 Feb 2011 |
6 | Dambisa Moyo Lecture (African History and Politics Seminar) | Dambisa Moyo, the internationally renowned author and economist, presents material from her books, Dead Aid and How the West Was Lost, looking at the policies that affect both Africa and the West. | Dambisa Moyo | 01 Feb 2011 | |
5 | 100 Years of 'Struggle' Between the Polity and the Market in South Africa (African History and Politics Seminar) | 'A Luta Continua! Reflections on 100 Years of "Struggle" Between the Polity and the Market in South Africa', presented by Dr Jesmond Blumenfeld (Brunel). | Jesmond Blumenfeld | 29 Jan 2011 | |
4 | 20 Years of Multi-Partyism in Kenya (African Studies Seminar) | A roundtable discussion examining the current state of Kenyan politics, twenty years after it changed to a multi-party state. | David Anderson, Nic Cheeseman, Gabrielle Lynch, Leigh Gardner | 25 Jan 2011 | |
3 | Creative Commons | Development as an Alien Culture: the purposes of governance in South Africa | Dr Jonny Steinberg gives the 2010 Africa Studies Centre Annual lecture held on 11th June 2010, Nissan Lecture Theatre, St Antony's College, Oxford University. | Jonny Steinberg | 26 Jul 2010 |
2 | Islam, the ‘Originaires’ and the making of the public space in a colonial city: Saint Louis of Senegal | Mamadou Diouf from the University of Columbia gives the 2009 African Studies Annual Lecture on the influence of Islam in Post-Colonial Africa, in particular, the public spaces of the former French Colonial City of St Louis in Senegal. | Mamadou Diouf | 16 Jun 2009 | |
1 | Detective Fictions: In Pursuit of Sovereignty in the Postcolony | Professor Jean Comaroff gives the 2008 African Studies Annual Lecture on the situation in South Africa, the rise of crime and violence as well as the rise private security companies and belief in the supernatural forces of witchcraft. | Jean Comaroff | 05 May 2009 |