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Translational Equaliberty: Language as Cosmopolitan Right in the Europe of Migrations (Keynote address)

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Translational Equaliberty: Language as Cosmopolitan Right in the Europe of Migrations (Keynote address)
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Duration: 1:08:09 | Added: 05 Apr 2016
Emily Apter speaks about the right to a cosmopolitan citizenship, showing how questions of language and translation have acquired political urgency in the context of the global refugee crisis.

Emily Apter discusses cosmopolitanism in relation to migration and the concept of linguistic citizenship. She explores the translation zone of the transit camp and detention centre, the status of the strait as middle passage of political peril, and the politics of translational triage and the accent test. Apter approaches the refugee crisis as a condition that produces new unfreedoms of speech and forms of translational injustice.

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